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BIBL 105 quiz 1 solutions complete answers

BIBL 105 quiz 1 solutions complete answers 


The _______ states that the Pentateuch is a compilation of various documents known as J, E, D, and P


How many of each kind of animal did Moses take on the ark?


The first prophecy of the Bible in Genesis 3:15 is known as the _______.


Joseph is noted for his ability to _______.


The Old Testament narrows down the field so that one Person will ultimately fulfill God’s messianic purpose.


There are no ancient law codes similar to the Ten Commandments and Mosaic Law.


The first five books of the Old Testament are known as the Torah or _______.


Which Israelite king is named on the Moabite Stone from the ninth century BC?


Archaeological evidence for the wilderness wandering after the Exodus is likely missing because ________.


The Jewish process of transmitting (copying) Scriptures was extremely _______.


Jewish tradition affirms that Old Testament prophecy ceased around 400 BC after the ministry of Malachi.


The symbol of God’s promise to never again destroy the world by a flood is the _______.


The ancient _______ were totally lost to history until the early part of the twentieth century.


The _______ worshiped such deities as El, Asherah, and Baal.


Which of these came after the Fall of mankind?


The creation account in Genesis 1-2 presents an absolute creation from nothing, or creation “_______.”


Genesis is the book of _______.


The capital city of the Assyrian Empire located on the east bank of the Tigris River was _______.


According to Genesis, the Garden of Eden was _______.


The black obelisk of Shalmaneser III depicts which king of Israel bowing down?


The designation as God’s “image bearers” (Gen 1:26-27) means that men and women _______.


God was _______ by the sinfulness upon the earth before the Flood.


All of Joseph’s brothers wanted to put him to death out of jealousy.


According to Genesis 3, the reason there is death in the world is due to _______.


One can adequately understand the New Testament without the Old Testament.


One interesting thing to note about the Hebrew word for “create” (bara) is that the subject of this verb is never man, meaning that God alone is the One who creates.


Adam and Eve were forbidden from eating from the _______.


Moses could still be the substantial author of the Pentateuch even if the account of his death and burial (Deut 34) was added later.


What is the name of the science that deals with data coming from the material culture of past civilizations?


The patriarchal blessing of Isaac goes to _______.


The Greek translation of the Old Testament is known as the LXX or _______.


Abram was _______ when God called him.


According to Genesis 1, mankind and the animals originally ate _______.


Jesus believed Himself to be the _______ of the Old Testament promises.


Explain how the teachings of Genesis chapters 1, 2, and 3 shape your personal worldview. Give at least 3 examples from Genesis 1-3, along with a short explanation of each.


After encountering God in a dream, Jacob changed the city name of Luz to “Bethel,” which means “_______.”


Abram is counted righteous before God in Genesis 15 when he simply exercises faith.


Jesus seldom referred to the Old Testament in His teachings.


God commanded _______ to leave his family and country to go to the land God would show him.


Joseph’s brothers were _______ him because of his dreams from God.


Isaac’s name means “_______.”


Noah’s Flood as described in Genesis 6-9 was a _______ flood.


The earth was full of _______ leading up to the Flood.


The book of Genesis introduces God’s _______ program for humanity.


The book of Genesis covers more time than any other biblical book.


God changed Abram’s name to Abraham, which means “_______.”


The three sections of the Hebrew canon are the Law, the Prophets, and _______.


Isaac commanded his son, Jacob, not to _______.


The confusion of the languages at Babel resulted in the _______ of the nations.


The creation account in Genesis is easily accommodated by secular evolution.


The two main divisions of the book of Genesis are _______ History and _______ History.


The books of the Bible are not authoritative because humans gave them canonical status but because humans recognized that they were inspired by God.


The Moabites worshipped the god _______.


The Jewish and Christian traditions affirm that Moses wrote the Pentateuch.


Abram received the covenant sign of _______ from God.


The book of Genesis contains the structural markers of _______ toledoth, or records of generations.


The first verse of the Bible introduces God as _______ being.


God promised to give Abraham _______, _______, and _______.


The symbol of God's promise to never again destroy the world by a flood is the _______.


The theme of _______ recurs throughout the story of Jacob's life.


When Jacob gives the prophetic blessings over his twelve sons, it is clear that _______ will be the ruling tribe.


One reason why the Exodus may not be recorded in Egyptian records is that the Egyptians may not have wanted to record their own defeat.


The Old Testament tells the story of _______ people, places, and history.


The proper use of archaeology is to “prove” that the Bible is the Word of God.


The Hebrew word Torah means “_______” or “_______.”


Abram’s descendants would be slaves in another country for _______.


One interesting thing to note about the Hebrew word for “create” (bara) is that the subject of this verb is never man, meaning that God alone is the One who creates.


The first commandment of the Bible found in Genesis 1 is _______.


God’s love in the Old Testament is extended toward _______.


The book of Daniel in the Hebrew canon is found in _______.


How many books are in the Old Testament?


The Documentary Hypothesis has been confirmed by the discovery of 4 separate documents: J, E, D, and P.


The _______ of Scripture refers to the list of books recognized as divinely inspired and authoritative.


Moses would have been qualified to write the Pentateuch because of his _______.


The four great patriarchs of Genesis 12-50 are _______.


What key phrase from the time of Israel’s monarchy appears on the stele (stone) found at Tel Dan?


Jacob’s wife who became the mother of Judah (from whom the Messiah would come) was _______.


God’s existence in the Old Testament is _______.


All canonical books of the Old Testament appear among the copies of the Dead Sea Scrolls except for _______.


Despite Joseph’s wrongful enslavement and imprisonment, he is providentially promoted to _______ of Egypt



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