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BIBL 105 quiz 7 solutions complete answers

BIBL 105 quiz 7 solutions complete answers 


Ezekiel 8 describes the open idolatry taking place in _______.


Hebrew prophets often used the “prophetic perfect” verbal form to describe future events as though the events _______.


Next to Psalms, Isaiah is the most quoted Old Testament book in the New Testament Scriptures.


Jeremiah had to contend with many false _______ in his own ministry.


Isaiah 44 is a scathing critique of the practice of _______.


Biblical prophets exclusively predicted future events.


The Suffering Servant in Isaiah 53 bears the sins of ________.


After Daniel survives the lions’ den ordeal, his accusers are _______.


Various archaeological discoveries support the historical accuracy of Jeremiah.


The lament against ______ in the book of Ezekiel parallels the fall Satan.


The book of Lamentations appears to have been written by someone who experienced the events firsthand.


Liberal scholars _______ the unity of Isaiah.


Daniel’s three friends were thrown into a _______ for refusing to bow to the golden statue.


One of Jeremiah’s messianic prophecies concerns the coming righteous _______, or Davidic king.


The Hebrew term for “prophet” (nabi’) designates the prophet as a spokesman for God.


The Assyrian king ________ invaded Jerusalem in 701 BC as reported in the book of Isaiah.


Lamentations is a book concerning the _______ of Jerusalem.


Lamentations 3:22-23 states that God’s compassions are new every _______.


Jeremiah 23 predicts the coming of a righteous Davidic _______. 


Biblical prophets could see _________ events before they happened.


Daniel predicts the rise and fall of 4 ______ empires.


One of the most significant prophecies in Jeremiah’s writings is the _________.


Jeremiah is popularly known as the “_______ prophet.”


________ is a symbolic name for Christ in Isaiah 7:14.


Isaiah’s response to God’s calling in Isaiah 6 is found in his reply of _______.


The Book of Comfort (Jer 30-33) includes the promise of a New _______ for Israel.


The central question from God in Isaiah 6 is _______.


Ezekiel witnessed the glory of the Lord depart from the temple in Jerusalem.


The Suffering Servant in Isaiah 53 is pictured as ______.


Ezekiel had a vision of an end-time invasion of Israel called the vision of ______.


Daniel was taken captive to ______.


Daniel and his three friends refused to defile themselves with the king’s _______.


Isaiah was a (an) ________ century BC prophet.


The Book of Ezekiel is structured around ______ of the glory of the LORD.


The “little horn” of Daniel 7 is a picture of _______.


The book of Daniel ends with the hope of______.


As seen in Jeremiah 23, Jeremiah the prophet had a constant battle with _______.


Ezekiel utilized symbolic, often strange, actions to illustrate his prophecies to Israel.


Babylon fell in 539 BC to ______ the Persian.


The “goat with one horn” in Daniel chapter 8 is a prophecy of ______.


The Kingdom of God is the final form of world government in the book of Daniel.


The earliest tradition identifies _______ as the author of Lamentations.


Which of these books provided hope to the Jewish exiles through apocalyptic visions of their future?


According to Jeremiah 1, God’s calling on Jeremiah’s life began _______.


Chapters 1–4 of Lamentations are _______ poems in the Hebrew language.


Jeremiah warned that God was sending the _______ to punish Judah.


The detailed vision of the temple that concludes Ezekiel’s prophecy is the _____ Temple.


Biblical prophecies are often disconnected from the prophet’s historical context.


Liberal scholars date the book of Daniel in the ______ century BC.


The _______ Songs point to the Messiah in the book of Isaiah.


Isaiah’s favorite term for God is the _______ One of Israel.


Toward the end of the book, Jeremiah prophesies judgment on _______.


In Ezekiel 37, the two sticks coming together signifies that in the future, there will no longer be a division between the northern and southern kingdoms of Israel.


Jeremiah 18-19 pictures the relationship between God and his people as that of _______.


In Isaiah 1, the prophet compares the people of Judah to _______.


The “goat with one horn” in Daniel chapter 8 is a prophecy of ______.


An important Hebrew concept in the book of Lamentations is the _______ (chesed) of God.


The ultimate punishment for Judah’s disobedience was expulsion from the land as recorded in Jeremiah.


The books of the Major Prophets are considered “major” because they are ________ than the other prophets.


God’s ______ is a major theme in Daniel.


The term ______ is used 93 times to refer to Ezekiel.



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