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BUSI 240 connect homework chapter 13 solutions complete answers

BUSI 240 connect homework chapter 13 solutions complete answers 


The division of labor, patterns of communication, coordination, and workflow that direct organizational activities is a(n) ______.


The fundamental requirements of all organizational structures include ______.


A bakery owner has divided the work into selling, baking, and decorating. The bakers and decorators are each doing a specific subset of all the tasks needed to produce cakes. This is known as job ______.


The division of labor requires that organizations coordinate work using such mechanisms as ______.


The elements of organizational structure include ______.


As a business grows, it is important to support the business's strategy and processes by creating reporting relationships, job design, and information flow through its ______.


Division of labor and the coordination of work activities to accomplish common goals are the fundamental requirements of ______.


Elena's span of control is defined by the       of people she supervises.


The subdivision of work into separate jobs assigned to different people is the ______.


The degree to which decision-making authority is held by a small group of people at the top of the organization's hierarchy is ______.


The division of labor requires that organizations use mechanisms, such as informal communication and a formal hierarchy, to ______ work toward common goals.


Problems that may arise in very formalized organizations include ______.


An important element of all formal organization structures is ______.


An organizational structure with a narrow span of control and a high degree of formalization and centralization is known as a(n)       structure.


The organization chart is a diagram that represents the grouping of employees and work activities into an organizational structure known as ______.


The element of organizational structure that is described by the number of people reporting to a supervisor is known as ______.


Harry's new cupcake store has only two employees and one product. Its organizational structure can best be described as a ______ structure.


Most of the decisions in ______ organizations are made by a few people at the top of the organization.


Organizations that use mechanisms, such as standardization of work processes, rules, and detailed procedures to coordinate work, are highly ______.


Billie is in the advertising department of a large consumer products company and coordinates with the people in manufacturing and with the engineers in product development to create timely and successful campaigns. Which type of organizational structure does Billie's company have?


An organization that is highly centralized with narrow spans of control and has very formalized procedures has a(n) ______ structure.


Tammi works for a large company that imports coffee and tea for retail and wholesale customers. Tammi is assigned to sell only to large institutional customers, such as universities and hospitals. Her organization has a divisional structure that is based on ______.


The element of organizational structure that specifies how employees and their activities are grouped together is ______.


The organizational structure that is built around self-directed work groups that complete an entire piece of work is a ______ structure.


The organizational structure used by most new businesses because it is very flexible and easy to coordinate is the ______ structure.


The organizational structure that uses a combination of the functional and team-based approaches to form project groups is the ______ structure.


An alliance of several organizations bee-hived around a hub or core firm for the purpose of creating a product or serving a client is the ______ organizational structure.


Tonya is a production engineer in a company that manufactures office furniture. She often meets with Robert from the marketing group to be sure that product features are represented accurately. Tonya and Robert work in a company with a ______ organizational structure.


The technology, size, external environment, and strategy of an organization are all ______.


The divisional organization structure may be based on ______.


A boat-building company has divided its work groups into those that do the interior woodwork, work on the electrical systems, and paint. Each group schedules its own employees, maintains inventory, and coordinates with other work units. Which organizational structure is this company using?


In contrast to a stable environment, a(n)       environment has a high rate of change, which leads to novel situations and a lack of identifiable patterns.


Marcus is a manufacturing engineer who heads up a product development team working on a new line of computer chairs. The team has a member from marketing, another from finance, and a design engineer, who all report to their respective bosses. Marcus will decide whether the new design moves forward. This is an example of the ______ organizational structure.


The larger an organization becomes the more likely it is to be ______.


Jorge is a wholesaler who provides accessories to retail companies. He works with a website manager, uses a variety of suppliers that changes often, and partners with one company to manage inventory while another does the shipping and receiving of products. He communicates entirely using the Internet, fax, and phone. Jorge uses a ______ organization structure.


The processes or mechanisms by which an organization turns out its products or services is its ______.


The contingencies of organizational design include ______.


The way an organization positions itself in its environment given its resources, capabilities, and mission is its organizational ______.


The characteristics of a stable environment include ______.


True or false: Large organizations with more employees require more standardization, coordinating mechanisms, and formalization.


On an assembly line ______, so the organization that operates it will likely use a mechanistic structure.


The way a firm positions itself in its environment in relation to its stakeholders, given the firm's resources, capabilities, and mission is defined as       strategy.


The decisions and actions applied to achieve the organization's goals are its ______.


Today's managers often have wider spans of control than Fayol recommended because of the use of ______.

The benefits of job specialization include ______.

Appointing integrators and liaisons to coordinate the work of different groups is a way to improve ______.

The formal hierarchy is also known as ______.

One of the benefits of job specialization is ______.

What are the disadvantages of formal hierarchy?

A mechanism for coordinating work using clearly stated goals and output measures, such as sales quotas, is called ______.

During lunch, Jean and Roberto were discussing ways to improve their cake decorating process. This is an example of ______.

The formal hierarchy is an important coordinating mechanism in organizations because it assigns legitimate power to individuals who ______.

Which of the following is a disadvantage of a formal hierarchy?

Using job descriptions, procedures, and flowcharts for assembly line work are examples of ways to ______.

An organization made up of many self-managed work teams reporting to each manager is likely to be a ______ organization.

High cost and lower employee empowerment are problems of what type of organizational structure?

The factors affecting span of control in today's organizations include ______.

A(n) _______ structure typically has more layers of management, and each manager often has relatively few direct reports.

Problems created by tall organization structures include ______.

Xtron is a company with few rules and procedures and prides itself on empowering lower-level employees to be nimble and responsive to its customers' rapidly changing needs. Xtron can be described as a(n) ______ company.

Departmentalization is a fundamental strategy for coordinating work activities because it ______.

An organizational structure with a wide span of control, low formalization, and decentralized decision-making is known as a(n) ____ structure.


Direct supervision is ______ in a functional structure because employees have common issues and expertise.

The element of organizational structure that frames the membership of work groups, who must share resources, and interdependencies between groups is ______.


The organizational structure that organizes employees according to geographic areas, clients, or products is the ______ structure.

An advantage of the divisional organizational structure is ______.

Advantages of the functional organization structure include which of the following?

The team-based organizational structure has advantages that include ______.

What are the advantages of a divisional structure?

The advantages of a matrix organizational structure include which of the following?

An advantage of the team-based organizational structure is ______.

Newstuff is a company that specializes in innovation and product design, and they have a reputation for being the best at what they do. For some of their related work, they hire a number of outside companies, but for Newstuff, product innovation and design is ______.

The advantages of a network organizational structure include ______.

An advantage of the matrix organizational structure is that it ______.

What are the characteristics of an organization's external environment?

A core ______ is a knowledge base that resides throughout an organization and provides a strategic advantage.

A(n) ______ organization structure works best in a complex and dynamic environment because it pushes decision-making to lower levels in the organization with more information to make informed decisions.

A major advantage of the network structure is its ______.

Which of the following elements of structure would be appropriate for firms in a diverse environment?

A hostile environment, such as one with high levels of competition or scarce resources, is likely to use a ______ organizational structure in times of great scarcity so decisions can be made more quickly.

Dynamism, complexity, diversity, and hostility are all characteristics of an organization's ______ environment.

A decentralized organization structure works best in a(n) ______ environment.

True or false: Organizations may use both centralization and decentralization in different parts of the organization.


An organization with a greater variety of clients, products, regions, or services will be more likely than one with only one product or region to use a ______ organizational structure.

In a hostile environment where suppliers may need to change quickly, an organizational structure that is ______ is best for informed decision-making.

Organizations decentralize because as they ______.



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