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BUSI 240 quiz 4 solutions complete answers

BUSI 240 quiz 4 solutions complete answers 


Creative people have practical intelligence but not cognitive intelligence.


Leaders at ABC Corp. now encourage employees to experiment with new ideas. In particular, the executives emphasize that reasonable mistakes are tolerated and expected as part of the discovery process. Which of the following best describes what these leaders are trying to develop?


One of the most important conditions for creativity is that an organization has


Employee involvement tends to weaken the decision-making process.


Often management is "under the gun" and want to solve problems and meet deliverables before logically assessing the situation. This problem is related to


Rational choice decision making involves an unsystematic and haphazard process.


Nonprogrammed decisions require all steps in the decision model because the problems they present are new, complex, or ill-defined.


The prospect theory effect motivates us to avoid losses.              

Scenario C

George is a manager for InnoBLAST Inc., a web-based applications company. In an attempt to promote new ideas, George decides to allow his engineering team to devote 15 percent of their work time to whatever projects they would like to work on and reduces their assigned workload. He then institutes a 30-minute period each morning where the team members are asked to look over their current project list for the day and develop more knowledge about a task before they move on to work on their assigned tasks. 

The 30-minute time period set aside each morning by George should help promote which stage of the creative process?


Often management is "under the gun" to solve problems and meet deliverables. This can lead to


Which of the following is  not a reason people engage in satisficing rather than maximization?


When someone says, "The lightbulb just went on," they are in the ________ stage.


The workplace supports ________ when reasonable mistakes are tolerated and expected as part of the discovery process.

The gap between "what is" and "what ought to be" is also called a


The main reason why decision makers compare alternatives against an implicit favorite is the hard-wired human need to minimize


The rational choice decision-making process selects the choice with the highest value through the

Sue Kim is trying to decide which shoes to order for the next season. She has examined the sales reports and walked the sales floor. She thinks she understands what customers will prefer, but is not certain. She still asks her staff at the next meeting since they are more in touch with customers. She is using which contingency for employee involvement in decision making?

Prospect theory and sunk costs are two reasons why people

Decision makers might succumb to the solution-focused problem trap because

Numerous studies on participative decision making, task conflict, and team dynamics have found that involvement

George is a manager for InnoBLAST Inc., a web-based applications company. In an attempt to promote new ideas, George decides to allow his engineering team to devote 15 percent of their work time to whatever projects they would like to work on and reduces their assigned workload. He then institutes a 30-minute period each morning where the team members are asked to look over their current project list for the day and develop more knowledge about a task before they move on to work on their assigned tasks.


George encourages employees to discover new ideas and advises them that reasonable mistakes are tolerated and expected in that discovery process. By doing this, George is helping to develop ________ in the work unit.

Alvin, the production manager at the Paragon Company, wants to select the best supplier of raw materials from among several vendors. He has several choices and has done research into which company provides the best services and products. One company is known to be extremely timely, another is much lower in price but often late in deliveries, and the third is well-known to provide the highest quality products available.

According to the rational decision-making process, Alvin should select the vendor that offers the most

· Question 1

2 out of 2 points

People tend to be more creative when they
·         Question 2

2 out of 2 points

In the creative process, which of the following refers to a "fringe" awareness?
·         Question 4

2 out of 2 points

Middle managers of a marketing firm were addressing the problem of creating eye-catching ads that were able to be easily reproduced in both color and black and white. One manager said, "The main problem here is we design using color to lure the consumer instead of relying on the benefits of the product itself." Which of the following best describes the decision-making problem that this manager is exhibiting?
·         Question 7

2 out of 2 points

Incubation and verification are two
·         Question 8

2 out of 2 points

Which of the following is assisted by incubation in the creative process?
·         Question 9


Scenario F

The Braided Bread company is struggling with how to break into the bagel market. They see this as an opportunity for growth, as it would not require any new machinery. The downside is that there is already a bagel shop in town.

Since Braided Bread has identified the problem, their next step is to
·         Question 10

2 out of 2 points

________ occurs when decision makers choose to continue an existing course of action because it is the less painful option at the time.
·         Question 14

2 out of 2 points

Which of the following is not a reason people engage in satisficing rather than maximization?
·         Question 18

2 out of 2 points

________ is valuable throughout the decision-making process.
·         Question 20

2 out of 2 points

________ is the tendency to experience stronger negative emotions when losing something of value than the positive emotions experienced when gaining something of equal value.
·         Question 22

2 out of 2 points

The representativeness heuristic refers to the tendency
·         Question 24


When a business must decide between completing a project that is over budget and past due versus starting over, they are evaluating the
·         Question 25


What is meant by "divine discontent"?

· Question 1

2 out of 2 points

Which of the following is one of the assumptions of the rational decision-making process?
·         Question 2

2 out of 2 points

The representativeness heuristic refers to the tendency
·         Question 3

2 out of 2 points

The Dot Com business boom can be used as an example of
·         Question 4

2 out of 2 points

The concept of bounded rationality holds that
·         Question 5

2 out of 2 points

Incubation and verification are two
·         Question 6

2 out of 2 points

Which of these is the final step in the rational choice decision making process?
·         Question 7

2 out of 2 points

Scenario C

George is a manager for InnoBLAST Inc., a web-based applications company. In an attempt to promote new ideas, George decides to allow his engineering team to devote 15 percent of their work time to whatever projects they would like to work on and reduces their assigned workload. He then institutes a 30-minute period each morning where the team members are asked to look over their current project list for the day and develop more knowledge about a task before they move on to work on their assigned tasks.

George decides to do a ________ before encouraging the team to develop their own ideas.
·         Question 8

2 out of 2 points

________ shape(s) how we evaluate information, not just which choice we select.
·         Question 9

2 out of 2 points

Decision makers tend to rely on their implicit favorite when they
·         Question 10

2 out of 2 points

The illumination stage in the creative process
·         Question 11

2 out of 2 points

Which of the following is true at the highest level of employee involvement?
·         Question 12

2 out of 2 points

Which of the following refers to calculating the conventionally accepted "right answer" to a logical problem?
·         Question 13

2 out of 2 points

An organization asks its employees to reframe the problems in a unique way and generate different approaches to the problems. Which of the following stages in the creative process would assist this?
·         Question 14

2 out of 2 points

One school of management thought states that organizational decisions and actions are influenced mainly by what attracts management's attention, rather than by the objective reality of the external or internal environment. Which of the following practices is closely associated with this argument?
·         Question 15

2 out of 2 points

Scenario D

Dora and Keith are managers at ABC Corporation. Keith is having problems in his department with a lack of innovation. In response, he consults the corporate procedures manual and speaks with his boss about the right way to solve the problem. Dora is also having a similar problem in her own department but decides to confront it by hosting team luncheons where she can learn new perspectives and discuss new "outside the box" ways to deal with the problem.

Keith is an example of a(n) ________ thinker.
·         Question 16

2 out of 2 points

Scenario B

Alvin, the production manager at the Paragon Company, wants to select the best supplier of raw materials from among several vendors. He has several choices and has done research into which company provides the best services and products. One company is known to be extremely timely, another is much lower in price but often late in deliveries, and the third is well-known to provide the highest quality products available.

According to the rational choice decision-making process, the first step in solving this problem would be
·         Question 17

2 out of 2 points

Decision makers might succumb to the solution-based problem trap because
·         Question 18

2 out of 2 points

You have just received seed money for a new e-commerce business and you want to hire a dozen people with a high level of creative potential. To hire the most creative people, you would select applicants who have
·         Question 19


The rational choice decision-making process selects the choice with the highest utility through the
·         Question 20

2 out of 2 points

Prospect theory and closing costs are two reasons why people
·         Question 21

2 out of 2 points

The Director of Nursing is looking throughout the hospital for a new format of a work schedule for nurses. She evaluates each schedule system as soon as she learns about it. Eventually, she finds a schedule that is "good enough" for her needs and ends her search even though there may be better schedules available that she hasn't yet learned about. The Director of Nursing is engaging in
·         Question 22

2 out of 2 points

Which of the following ultimately energizes us to select the preferred choice?
·         Question 23

2 out of 2 points

________ can be defined as the view that people should and typically do use logic and all available information to choose the alternative with the highest value.
·         Question 24

2 out of 2 points

Scenario D

Dora and Keith are managers at ABC Corporation. Keith is having problems in his department with a lack of innovation. In response, he consults the corporate procedures manual and speaks with his boss about the right way to solve the problem. Dora is also having a similar problem in her own department but decides to confront it by hosting team luncheons where she can learn new perspectives and discuss new "outside the box" ways to deal with the problem.

Dora is an example of a(n) ________ thinker.
·         Question 25

2 out of 2 points

Intuition relies on programmed decision routines that speed up our response to pattern matches or mismatches. These programmed decision routines are referred to as
·         Question 1

2 out of 2 points

In the creative process, which of the following refers to a "fringe" awareness?
·         Question 2


Scenario F

The Braided Bread company is struggling with how to break into the bagel market. They see this as an opportunity for growth, as it would not require any new machinery. The downside is that there is already a bagel shop in town.

After Braided Bread evaluates the selected choice, the next problem will start with
·         Question 3

2 out of 2 points

Scenario C

George is a manager for InnoBLAST Inc., a web-based applications company. In an attempt to promote new ideas, George decides to allow his engineering team to devote 15 percent of their work time to whatever projects they would like to work on and reduces their assigned workload. He then institutes a 30-minute period each morning where the team members are asked to look over their current project list for the day and develop more knowledge about a task before they move on to work on their assigned tasks.

George is attempting to promote
·         Question 4

2 out of 2 points

One school of management thought states that organizational decisions and actions are influenced mainly by what attracts management's attention, rather than by the objective reality of the external or internal environment. Which of the following practices is closely associated with this argument?
·         Question 5

2 out of 2 points

________ is the tendency to experience stronger negative emotions when losing something of value than the positive emotions experienced when gaining something of equal value.
·         Question 6

2 out of 2 points

Which of the following is assisted by incubation in the creative process?
·         Question 7

2 out of 2 points

Which of the following ultimately energizes us to select the preferred choice?
·         Question 8

2 out of 2 points

The benefits of employee involvement increase with
·         Question 9

2 out of 2 points

Scenario E

Selene and Rita are both engineers at a highly innovative technology company. They are both very creative people. Selene has 15 years of engineering background, a high need for achievement, and strong task motivation, whereas Rita prides herself on her high openness to experience, strong self-direction, and ability to evaluate the potential usefulness of ideas.

According to the characteristics of creative people, which areas are Rita's strongest?
·         Question 10

2 out of 2 points

Scenario D

Dora and Keith are managers at ABC Corporation. Keith is having problems in his department with a lack of innovation. In response, he consults the corporate procedures manual and speaks with his boss about the right way to solve the problem. Dora is also having a similar problem in her own department but decides to confront it by hosting team luncheons where she can learn new perspectives and discuss new "outside the box" ways to deal with the problem.

Keith is an example of a(n) ________ thinker.
·         Question 11

2 out of 2 points

After a problem has been identified and possible choices have been identified, the next step is to
·         Question 12

2 out of 2 points

The illumination stage in the creative process
·         Question 13

2 out of 2 points

Which of these is the final step in the rational choice decision making process?
·         Question 14

2 out of 2 points

The concept of bounded rationality holds that
·         Question 15

2 out of 2 points

Scenario A

With funding from her family, Sarine is currently developing a new line of dolls for her business, which she hopes will take her company to the next level. At first, she encountered some minor problems with the construction of the dolls and spent a fair amount of money engineering a way to enable them to be as she envisioned them to be. Unfortunately, she then found out that there was a patent protecting the way the dolls arms were connected, so she spent more money redesigning the dolls. After an unexpectedly uninterested response from the public in the dolls, she decided that they needed to be marketed differently in order to sell. With this in mind, Sarine allocated more resources to marketing, had the packaging of the dolls redesigned, and created a new set of advertising materials. The cost of manufacturing these dolls has now exceeded the initial proposed cost by four times, but she is determined to make it work. She is embarrassed by how this has gone but continues to put on a brave front.

Sarine is most likely making decisions to continue with these dolls at this point because of
·         Question 16

2 out of 2 points

The representativeness heuristic refers to the tendency
·         Question 17

2 out of 2 points

________ is valuable throughout the decision-making process.
·         Question 18

2 out of 2 points

Perceptual defense causes us to
·         Question 19

2 out of 2 points

Intuition relies on programmed decision routines that speed up our response to pattern matches or mismatches. These programmed decision routines are referred to as
·         Question 20

2 out of 2 points

Scenario E

Selene and Rita are both engineers at a highly innovative technology company. They are both very creative people. Selene has 15 years of engineering background, a high need for achievement, and strong task motivation, whereas Rita prides herself on her high openness to experience, strong self-direction, and ability to evaluate the potential usefulness of ideas.

According to the characteristics of creative people, which areas are Selene's strongest?
·         Question 21

2 out of 2 points

An organization asks its employees to reframe the problems in a unique way and generate different approaches to the problems. Which of the following stages in the creative process would assist this?
·         Question 22

2 out of 2 points

Who constructed the four-stage creative process model?
·         Question 23

2 out of 2 points

Satisficing refers to
·         Question 24

2 out of 2 points

________ occurs when decision makers choose to continue an existing course of action because it is the less painful option at the time.
·         Question 25

2 out of 2 points

Scenario A

With funding from her family, Sarine is currently developing a new line of dolls for her business, which she hopes will take her company to the next level. At first, she encountered some minor problems with the construction of the dolls and spent a fair amount of money engineering a way to enable them to be as she envisioned them to be. Unfortunately, she then found out that there was a patent protecting the way the dolls arms were connected, so she spent more money redesigning the dolls. After an unexpectedly uninterested response from the public in the dolls, she decided that they needed to be marketed differently in order to sell. With this in mind, Sarine allocated more resources to marketing, had the packaging of the dolls redesigned, and created a new set of advertising materials. The cost of manufacturing these dolls has now exceeded the initial proposed cost by four times, but she is determined to make it work. She is embarrassed by how this has gone but continues to put on a brave front.

What could Sarine have done differently in order to avoid this escalation of commitment with her decisions?

·  Question 1 

2 out of 2 points

Employees should not make the decision alone (without the manager's involvement) when
·  Question 2 

2 out of 2 points

Scenario A

With funding from her family, Sarine is currently developing a new line of dolls for her business, which she hopes will take her company to the next level. At first, she encountered some minor problems with the construction of the dolls and spent a fair amount of money engineering a way to enable them to be as she envisioned them to be. Unfortunately, she then found out that there was a patent protecting the way the dolls arms were connected, so she spent more money redesigning the dolls. After an unexpectedly uninterested response from the public in the dolls, she decided that they needed to be marketed differently in order to sell. With this in mind, Sarine allocated more resources to marketing, had the packaging of the dolls redesigned, and created a new set of advertising materials. The cost of manufacturing these dolls has now exceeded the initial proposed cost by four times, but she is determined to make it work. She is embarrassed by how this has gone but continues to put on a brave front.

What could Sarine have done differently in order to avoid this escalation of commitment with her decisions?
·  Question 3 

2 out of 2 points

The first stage of the creative process is
·  Question 4 

2 out of 2 points

________ is valuable throughout the decision-making process.
·  Question 5 

2 out of 2 points

Middle managers of a marketing firm were addressing the problem of creating eye-catching ads that were able to be easily reproduced in both color and black and white. One manager said, "The main problem here is we design using color to lure the consumer instead of relying on the benefits of the product itself." Which of the following best describes the decision-making problem that this manager is exhibiting?
·  Question 6 

2 out of 2 points

Scenario A

With funding from her family, Sarine is currently developing a new line of dolls for her business, which she hopes will take her company to the next level. At first, she encountered some minor problems with the construction of the dolls and spent a fair amount of money engineering a way to enable them to be as she envisioned them to be. Unfortunately, she then found out that there was a patent protecting the way the dolls arms were connected, so she spent more money redesigning the dolls. After an unexpectedly uninterested response from the public in the dolls, she decided that they needed to be marketed differently in order to sell. With this in mind, Sarine allocated more resources to marketing, had the packaging of the dolls redesigned, and created a new set of advertising materials. The cost of manufacturing these dolls has now exceeded the initial proposed cost by four times, but she is determined to make it work. She is embarrassed by how this has gone but continues to put on a brave front.

If Sarine had built several low-cost prototypes to test, she would have been able to test which rule of design thinking?
·  Question 7 

2 out of 2 points

The workplace supports ________ when reasonable mistakes are tolerated and expected as part of the discovery process. 
·  Question 8 

2 out of 2 points

People tend to be more creative when they
·  Question 9 

2 out of 2 points

Which of the following is the lowest level of employee involvement?
·  Question 10 

2 out of 2 points

What do impromptu storytelling, morphological analysis, and artwork have in common?
·  Question 11 

2 out of 2 points

The representativeness heuristic refers to the tendency
·  Question 12 

2 out of 2 points

Leading business writers emphasize that ________ is one of the most important and challenging tasks in the decision-making process.
·  Question 13 

2 out of 2 points

Scenario B

Alvin, the production manager at the Paragon Company, wants to select the best supplier of raw materials from among several vendors. He has several choices and has done research into which company provides the best services and products. One company is known to be extremely timely, another is much lower in price but often late in deliveries, and the third is well-known to provide the highest quality products available.

Once Alvin makes the choice and contracts with the vendor, he will still need to
·  Question 14 

2 out of 2 points

Prospect theory and closing costs are two reasons why people
·  Question 15 

2 out of 2 points

Scenario B

Alvin, the production manager at the Paragon Company, wants to select the best supplier of raw materials from among several vendors. He has several choices and has done research into which company provides the best services and products. One company is known to be extremely timely, another is much lower in price but often late in deliveries, and the third is well-known to provide the highest quality products available.

According to the rational choice decision-making process, the first step in solving this problem would be
·  Question 16 

2 out of 2 points

Scenario D

Dora and Keith are managers at ABC Corporation. Keith is having problems in his department with a lack of innovation. In response, he consults the corporate procedures manual and speaks with his boss about the right way to solve the problem. Dora is also having a similar problem in her own department but decides to confront it by hosting team luncheons where she can learn new perspectives and discuss new "outside the box" ways to deal with the problem.

Dora is an example of a(n) ________ thinker.
·  Question 17 

2 out of 2 points

The most accurate view of intuition is that it is
·  Question 18 

2 out of 2 points

Which of these is also referred to as participative management?
·  Question 21 

2 out of 2 points

A nonprogrammed decision is applicable in any
·  Question 22 

2 out of 2 points

________ occurs when decision makers choose to continue an existing course of action because it is the less painful option at the time.
·  Question 23 

2 out of 2 points

The benefits of employee involvement increase with
·  Question 24 

2 out of 2 points

Scenario C

George is a manager for InnoBLAST Inc., a web-based applications company. In an attempt to promote new ideas, George decides to allow his engineering team to devote 15 percent of their work time to whatever projects they would like to work on and reduces their assigned workload. He then institutes a 30-minute period each morning where the team members are asked to look over their current project list for the day and develop more knowledge about a task before they move on to work on their assigned tasks.

George decides to do a ________ before encouraging the team to develop their own ideas.
·  Question 25 

2 out of 2 points

Satisficing refers to



A low level of employee involvement occurs when employees are individual asked for specific information but the problem is not described to them.


A potentially useful creative practice is to list different dimensions of a system and the elements of each dimension, then think through the potential commercial usefulness of each combination.


According to bounded rationality theory, people make the best decisions when their perceptions are "bounded" or framed by past experience.


Although the implicit favorite comparison process seems to be hardwired in human decision making, it often undermines effective decision making.


Creative ideas can emerge when asking people unfamiliar with the problem to explore the problem with you.


Creative people are more embarrassed when they make mistakes.


Creative people need have practical intelligence but not cognitive intelligence.


Creative people tend to have a high need for affiliation.


Creativity is defined as reframing a problem in a unique way and generating different 


Creativity tends to suffer during times of downsizing and corporate restructuring.


Cross-pollination is recommended to encourage creativity in organizations.


Decision makers have a need to reduce uncertainty, so they tend to engage in solution-focused problem identification.


Decision makers typically look at alternatives sequentially and compare each alternative with an implicit favorite.


Decision making is a nonconscious process of moving toward a desirable state of affairs.


Divergent thinking refers to calculating the conventionally accepted "right answer" to a logical problem.


Employee involvement potentially improves both the decision-making quality and the commitment of employees.


Employee involvement tends to weaken the decision-making process.


Employees are more committed to implementing a solution when they are involved in making the decision.


Escalation of commitment is likely to occur when the perceived costs of terminating the project are high or unknown.


Escalation of commitment occurs when employees increase their support for a decision 


High employee involvement would be difficult to achieve when conflict is likely among employees.


In organizational settings, creativity usually occurs alone rather than with other people.


Incubation is the stage of creativity in which the problem is simmering at the back of your mind while you are doing something else.


Intuition allows us to draw on our tacit knowledge to guide our decision preferences.


Intuition is based on mental templates or models representing tacit knowledge about a situation.


Intuition operates independently of the programmed decision routines that speed up our response to pattern matches or mismatches.


Involving several people in the evaluation of a decision weakens the decision evaluation process.


Knowledge and experience can undermine creativity because they can lead to routinization of that knowledge.


Morphological analysis is a test used to identify people with a creative personality.


Nonprogrammed decisions require all steps in the decision model because the problems they present are new, complex, or ill-defined.


One of the reasons people use satisficing rather than maximization when making decisions is that they lack the capacity and motivation to process the huge volume of information required to identify the best choice.


One reason why the problem identification stage is imperfect is that various stakeholders try to frame the decision maker's view of the situation.


People are most creative when management puts intense time pressures on them to complete tasks.


Post-decisional justification causes decision makers to forget what decision they made.


Post-decisional justification gives people an excessively optimistic evaluation of their decisions, until they receive very clear and undeniable information to the contrary.


Preconceived mental models formed by our cognitive structure help us make better and accurate decisions.


Research suggests that decision makers do not evaluate several alternatives when they find an opportunity.


Scenario planning is a systematic process of thinking about alternative futures and what the organization should do to anticipate and react to those environments.


Subjective expected utility refers to how much the selected alternative benefits or satisfies the decision maker.


Task significance and autonomy are important conditions for creativity in organizations.


The clustering illusion is the tendency to see patterns from a small sample of events when those events are, in fact, random.


The decision-making process is more effective when problems are defined in terms of their solutions.


The emerging emotional view of decision making states that people form preferences toward alternatives as soon as they receive information about those alternatives.


The first step in the rational choice paradigm is to identify the problem or recognize an opportunity.


The four main influences of escalation of commitment are self-justification effect, self-enhancement effect, prospect theory effect, and sunk costs effect.


The four outcomes of employee involvement are decision structure, source of decision knowledge, decision commitment, and risk of conflict.


The ideas that appear during the illumination stage of creativity are quickly forgotten unless documented.


The ideas that form during the illumination stage of creativity need to be verified through logical evaluation and experimentation.


The incubation stage of creativity is more effective when the decision maker sets aside all other activities and focuses attention on the issue or problem.


The last step in the rational decision-making model is to evaluate the decision outcomes.


The prospect theory effect motivates us to avoid losses.


The rational choice paradigm assumes that decision makers have limited information-processing capabilities and engage in a limited search for alternatives.


The rational choice paradigm assumes that obtaining all possible information about all possible alternatives and their outcomes when selecting the choice with the highest SEU is a complex and time-consuming procedure.


The rational choice paradigm has dominated decision making philosophy in Western societies for most of written history.


The rational choice decision paradigm recommends choosing the alternative with a moderate subjective expected utility.


The rational choice paradigm selects the choice with the highest utility through the calculation of objective expected utility.


The representativeness heuristic is a natural tendency to assign higher probabilities to objects or events that are easier to recall from memory.


When in a positive mood, people pay more attention to details and follow a nonprogrammed decision routine.


When making important decisions, we "listen in" on our emotions to guide our preference among the decision alternatives.


_____ is a conscious process of making choices among one or more alternatives with the intention of moving toward some desired state of affairs.


_____ is the tendency to experience stronger negative emotions when losing something of value than the positive emotions experienced when gaining something of equal value.


A higher level of employee involvement is preferable when:


A marketing specialist needed to find a new way of marketing the company's main product to its potential clients. While watching a movie one evening, the marketing specialist saw a scene that gave her inspiration for a new marketing plan. According to the creative process model, which of the following is the next stage in the creative process after such inspiration?


A nonprogrammed decision is applicable in any:


Dora and Keith are managers at ABC Corporation. Keith is having problems in his department with a lack of innovation. In response, he consults the corporate procedures manual and speaks with his boss about the right way to solve the problem. Dora is also having a similar problem in her own department but decides to confront it by hosting team luncheons where she can learn new perspectives and discuss new "outside the box" ways to deal with the problem.

Dora is an example of a(n) _______________ thinker.


Dora and Keith are managers at ABC Corporation. Keith is having problems in his department with a lack of innovation. In response, he consults the corporate procedures manual and speaks with his boss about the right way to solve the problem. Dora is also having a similar problem in her own department but decides to confront it by hosting team luncheons where she can learn new perspectives and discuss new "outside the box" ways to deal with the problem.

Keith is an example of a(n) ________________ thinker.


After choosing among several computer server systems, the Director of Information Systems feels very positive about the final choice. However, some of this optimism is due to the fact that the Director forgot about few of the limitations of the chosen system and unconsciously downplays the importance of the positive features of the rejected systems. The Director of Information Systems is engaging in:


An organization asks its employees to reframe the problems in a unique way and generate different approaches to the problems. Which of the following stages in the creative process would assist this?


Decision makers tend to rely on their implicit favorite when they:


Decision structure, risk of conflict, and decision commitment are the:


During a meeting, senior executives of a consumer products company were addressing the problem of being late in detecting several consumer trends, such as the trend toward using see-through plastics in kitchenware. While trying to determine the source of this problem, one executive said: "The main problem here is that we need to find a better industrial design firm to design our products." Which of the following best describes the decision-making problem that this executive is exhibiting?


Employees should NOT make the decision alone (without the manager's involvement) when:


Escalation of commitment can be minimized by ensuring that:


Establishing a preset level at which the decision is abandoned or reevaluated is recommended mainly to:


In the creative process, which of the following refers to the experience of suddenly becoming aware of a unique idea?


Incubation and verification are the:


George is a manager for InnoBLAST Inc., a web-based applications company. In an attempt to promote new ideas, George decides to allow his engineering team to devote 15% of their work time to whatever projects they would like to work on and reduces their assigned workload. He then institutes a 30 minute period each morning where the team members are asked to look over their current project list for the day and develop more knowledge about a task before they move on to work on their assigned tasks. George is attempting to promote:


George is a manager for InnoBLAST Inc., a web-based applications company. In an attempt to promote new ideas, George decides to allow his engineering team to devote 15% of their work time to whatever projects they would like to work on and reduces their assigned workload. He then institutes a 30 minute period each morning where the team members are asked to look over their current project list for the day and develop more knowledge about a task before they move on to work on their assigned tasks. The time period set aside each morning should help promote which stage of the creative process?


Intuition relies on programmed decision routines that speed up our response to pattern matches or mismatches. These programmed decision routines are referred to as:


One school of management thought states that organizational decisions and actions are influenced mainly by what attracts management's attention, rather than by the objective reality of the external or internal environment. Which of the following practices is closely associated with this argument?


Alvin, the production manager at the Paragon Company, wants to select the best supplier of raw materials from among several vendors. He has several choices and has done research into which company provides the best services and products. One company is known to be extremely timely, another is much lower in price but often late in deliveries, and the third is well-known to provide the highest quality products available. According to the Rational Choice Paradigm of decision making, Alvin should select the vendor that offers the most:


Alvin, the production manager at the Paragon Company, wants to select the best supplier of raw materials from among several vendors. He has several choices and has done research into which company provides the best services and products. One company is known to be extremely timely, another is much lower in price but often late in deliveries, and the third is well-known to provide the highest quality products available. According to the rational choice decision making process, the first step in solving this problem would be:


People tend to be more creative when they:


Perceptual defense causes us to:


Prospect theory and closing costs are two reasons why people:


With funding from her family, Sarine is currently developing a new line of dolls for her business which she hopes will take her company to the next level. At first, she encountered some minor problems with the construction of the dolls and spent a fair amount of money engineering a way to enable them to be like she envisioned. Unfortunately, she then found out that there was a patent protecting the way the dolls arms were connected, so she spent more money redesigning the dolls. After an unexpectedly uninterested response from the public in the dolls, she decided that they needed to be marketed differently in order to sell. So Sarine allocated more resources to marketing and had the packaging of the dolls redesigned and created new set of advertising materials. The cost of manufacturing these dolls has now exceeded four times the initial proposed cost, but she is determined to make it work. She is embarrassed by how this has gone, but continues to put on a brave front. Sarine is most likely making decisions to continue with these dolls at this point because of:


With funding from her family, Sarine is currently developing a new line of dolls for her business which she hopes will take her company to the next level. At first, she encountered some minor problems with the construction of the dolls and spent a fair amount of money engineering a way to enable them to be like she envisioned. Unfortunately, she then found out that there was a patent protecting the way the dolls arms were connected, so she spent more money redesigning the dolls. After an unexpectedly uninterested response from the public in the dolls, she decided that they needed to be marketed differently in order to sell. So Sarine allocated more resources to marketing and had the packaging of the dolls redesigned and created new set of advertising materials. The cost of manufacturing these dolls has now exceeded four times the initial proposed cost, but she is determined to make it work. She is embarrassed by how this has gone, but continues to put on a brave front. What could Sarine have done differently in order to avoid this escalation of commitment with her decisions?


Satisficing refers to:


Selene and Rita are both engineers at a highly innovative technology company. They are both very creative people. Selene has 15 years of engineering background, a high need for achievement and strong task motivation, whereas Rita prides herself on her high openness to experience, strong self-direction and her ability to evaluate the potential usefulness of ideas.

According to the characteristics of creative people, which areas are Rita's strongest?


Selene and Rita are both engineers at a highly innovative technology company. They are both very creative people. Selene has 15 years of engineering background, a high need for achievement and strong task motivation, whereas Rita prides herself on her high openness to experience, strong self-direction and her ability to evaluate the potential usefulness of ideas. According to the characteristics of creative people, which areas are Selene's strongest?


The availability heuristic refers to the tendency:


The benefits of employee involvement increase with:


The concept of bounded rationality holds that:


The Director of Nursing is looking throughout the hospital for a new format of a work schedule for nurses. She evaluates each schedule system as soon as she learns about it. Eventually, she finds a schedule that is "good enough" for her needs and ends her search even though there may be better schedules available that she hasn't yet learned about. The Director of Nursing is engaging in:


The first stage of the creative process is:


The illumination stage in the creative process:


The most accurate view of intuition is that it is:


The purely rational model of decision making is rarely practiced in reality because it:


The rational choice paradigm selects the choice with the highest utility through the calculation of:


The rational decision making model begins with:


The tendency to define problems in terms of a preferred solution occurs because:


The view that people should and typically do use logic and all available information to choose the alternative with the highest value is known as:


What do impromptu storytelling, morphological analysis, and artwork have in common?


What effect do mental models have on the decision-making process?


When decision makers choose to continue an existing course of action because it is the less painful option at the time, this is known as:


Which of the following decision-making activities tends to make the most use of tacit knowledge?


Which of the following involves listing different dimensions of a system and the elements of each dimension and then looking at each combination?


Which of the following is an observation from organizational behavior that contradicts the rational choice paradigm assumptions?


Which of the following is assisted by incubation in the creative process?


Which of the following is NOT a reason people engage in satisficing rather than maximization?


Which of the following is one of the assumptions of the rational choice paradigm?


Which of the following is the lowest level of employee involvement?


Which of the following is true at the highest level of employee involvement?


Which of the following refers to calculating the conventionally accepted "right answer" to a logical problem?


Which of the following statements is true about scenario planning?


Which of the following ultimately energize us to select the preferred choice?


Which of these is also referred to as participative management?


Which of these is the final step in the rational choice decision making process?


You have just received seed money for a new e-commerce business and you want to hire a dozen people with a high level of creative potential. To hire the most creative people, you would select applicants who have:




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