BUSI 302 Chapter 13 Reading Assignment solutions complete answers
What percentage of the American population in 2010 were either underinsured or did not have health insurance?
What is life span?
Statistics for fertility rates show a over time in the United States from high to low fertility.
A National Quality Strategy was developed as a result of which of the following pieces of legislation?
What does the term "stakeholders" mean?
Patients and families who use health care are considered to be __.
As part of the ACA, what does the federal government assist with?
Prior to managed care plans, how were private health insurance plans written?
What stakeholder disseminates information that contributes to professional practice?
Stakeholders in the health care industry can include which of the following?
When considering facilities as stakeholders, which of the following does not belong?
What was created in the marketplace by the ACA to help lower-income enrollees with their insurance payment for their premiums?
Examples of volunteer facilities and agencies that provide health care or influence policies are often related to which of these types of organizations?
When considering employers as stakeholders, which of the following are considered goals?
For-profit companies that manage the business of health care activities may include business that do which of the following?
Which of the following are included when considering costs of health care in the United States?
In 2017, according to data provided by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, how much was spent per person on health care?
A patient who could see any physician that accepted the insurance would have what type of plan?
Which of the following are for-profit entities?
What are the key concerns for stakeholders within the American health care system?
A type of insurance that is funded by both the federal and state governments is called .
Who pays all of the health care costs?
What percentage of the cost of health care is shared by Medicaid and Medicare when the health care dollar is split?
What is the goal of a biotechnology company?
What term is defined as the degree of excellence of health care services offered?
What is the biggest funder of the nation's health care dollar?
In 2017, the United States devoted what percentage of its gross domestic product (GDP) to health?
Where does the nation's health care dollar come from?
How is Medicare funded?
What are the business goals of pharmaceutical companies?
Which of the following represents the total value of all goods produced and services provided in a country in one year?
In 2015, what percentage of the total U.S. population accounted for 97% of health care spending?
Under current payment processes, how are facilities and practitioners reimbursed?
Which age group will be the oldest group of Medicare populations?
Chronic diseases, caused by which of the following, add to health care costs.
In 1970, the United States devoted what percentage of its GDP to total health spending through public and private funds?
New medical technology accounts for what percentage of increasing health care costs?
According to multiple health care organizations, some of the reasons for increased health care costs are due to which of the following factors?
After what age do health care costs markedly increase?
Approximately how much of the adult American population is either overweight or obese?
What are major factors that increase medical technology costs?
What is the main reason that it is important for patients to see the same primary care provider?
Which of the following are limitations to accessing care?
Historically, quality of health care services has varied on which of the following before the ACA identified and implemented strategies to achieve better care?
The National Quality Strategy has set broad aims for the improvement of health care in the United States.
To advance the aims of the National Quality Strategy, they have focused on __ priorities.
Data for AHRQ reporting is obtained through which of the following?
With the passage of the ACA, which government agency was charged with identifying national health disparities?
Although some disparities are smaller from 2000 to 2015, which populations continue to show disparities in all priority areas according to the Executive Summary Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report?
The National Quality Strategy's goal is to improve health care by which of the following?
Which of the following are NQS priorities?
The AHRQ assesses what type of issues in the health care system for recommendations?
Which of the following are vital to attaining access to health care from both a patient and provider perspective?
What percentage of access measures showed improvement (2000-2016) according to the Executive Summary Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report?
What is the definition of fertility rate?
Which federal agency is responsible for tracking quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care for all Americans?
Which of the following countries have shown worsening maternal death rates between 1990 and 2015?
According to the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics what was the average life expectancy of Americans in 2017?
What entity identifies and estimates fertility rates?
Unintentional injuries encompasses which of the following, which played the biggest role in the decline in life expectancy in 2017?
What are some reasons that the life expectancy rate of people in the United States improved?
What are some reasons that the United States has a high infant mortality rate?
The average amount spent on health per person in comparable countries is roughly what percentage of that spent in the United States?
What is life expectancy?
According to a study released by Kaiser Family Foundation in October 2018, what was the average annual premium cost that employees paid for family health insurance coverage?
What were the top three causes of death in 2017?
What will the cost of Medicare premiums depend on?
Which of the following has contributed to the shift in the leading cause of death away from infections?
Which country spends more on health care than any other high-income country?
In 2018, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation study, what was the average deductible for a single person with health insurance?
Low income Medicare recipients may be eligible for in their state.
Which of the following countries ranks near the bottom in regard to infant mortality rates?
What parts of Medicare pay for inpatient, skilled nursing facility, hospice, and home health care?
Started in 1997, which plan is used by parents who make too much money to qualify for Medicaid and too little money to afford private insurance?
Key features of the ACA included which of the following?
What will the cost of Medicare premiums depend on?
When did Congress first consider a Patients' Bill of Rights Act?
Which part of Medicare helps cover the costs of prescriptions?
Which of the following are federal plans that provide health care for families of current military personnel, retired military personnel, and veterans.
What did the creation of the Health Insurance Marketplace provide for individual, family, and small bushiness resources?
What was the title of the brochure created in 2003 by the American Hospital Association?
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) also has features that are intended to give health care consumers more rights, but they apply only to which of the following?
How is health care financed in countries such as Great Britain, France, Germany, and Canada?