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BUSI 335 Connect Quiz 4 OD & Sense-Making, Change Management, Processual, solutions answers

BUSI 335 Connect Quiz 4 OD & Sense-Making, Change Management, Processual, and Contingency, Change vs Initiative Decay solutions complete answers 


According to the sense-making framework, _____ is the notion that people make sense of their actions in hindsight.


The dialogic organization development (OD) approach holds that “real change” only occurs when mindsets are altered and that this is more likely to occur through “generative conversations” than persuasion by “facts.”


According to Barry Staw and Jerry Ross, the factor that leads to escalation resulting from an attempt to save face by committing more resources at a project in an attempt to revive it and avoid being associated with failure is known as a(n):


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Beckhard’s classic organization development (OD) approach?


The introduction of and transition to new techniques and behaviors occur during the _____ phase of action research.


According to the _____ image of managing change, with respect to sustaining change, the change manager develops understanding of the meaning and significance of the changes and what will count as successful outcomes.


_____ measures are those that reveal the immediate results of a new initiative, such as changes in processing time, or time-to-market for new products.


Gordon Bethune, the chief executive officer of Continental Airlines, changed the core metric used by the airline to _____.


_____ measures, such as financial performance and corporate image, can take time to become apparent.


In the context of the core set of values of the organization development (OD) field, _____ values relate to openness, honesty, and integrity.


Measuring the overall success of a change initiative should be related to the timescale over which benefits are expected to be delivered.


The J-curve does not help in managing the expectations of others with regard to justifying a deterioration in performance.


In the context of Kurt Lewin’s stage model of change management, embedding or institutionalizing the new behaviors to prevent people from drifting back to previous ways of doing things is called _____.


_____ measures are directly financial.


Which of the following is one of the four factors in the DICE model developed by the Boston Consulting Group as part of the change by checklist approach?


The three-stage model for change that includes the processes of unfreezing, changing, and refreezing was developed by Joseph Juran.


According to the _____ image of managing change, with respect to sustaining change, change outcomes are in constant flux and are largely beyond management control.


Which of the following is NOT a component of appreciative inquiry (AI)?


Checklist approaches to change management assume that the process is logical and linear, and can therefore be controlled by planning and then following the correct set of steps.


There is no single, underlying theory that unifies the field of organization development (OD) as a whole.


A focus on measurement of progress is important because:


According to Lewinian/OD views of organizational change, organization development (OD) is linear in that it


According to Kotter, if the mistake that caused the failure of transformation efforts is a lack of coalition, management should remedy the situation by _____.


Contingency approaches are still underpinned by the director image, but they do not claim to have discovered “the one best approach” for all types of organizational change.


According to the _____ image of managing change, with respect to sustaining change, change outcomes will be determined primarily by contextual factors and not by management intervention.


The contingency change management approach is underpinned by the _____ image of managing change.


Underpinned by the _____ image, the organizational development (OD) approach is one where its adherents present their developmental prescriptions for achieving change as being based, at least traditionally, upon a core set of values, values that emphasize that change should benefit not just organizations but the people who staff them.


Andrew Pettigrew cautioned against looking for single causes and for simple explanations for change; he instead pointed to the individual, group, organizational, social, and political factors that can affect the nature and outcomes of change.


The approach and the values underpinning organization development (OD) were predominantly developed in _____.


According to the text, which of the following is a strength of the process perspective on change?


Which of the following pairs of researchers have developed a contingency matrix approach that begins by establishing a scale of change from “fine-tuning” to “corporate transformation”?


Which of the following is a limitation of the process perspective of change?


Which of the following is NOT an issue that Fineman raises in question of whether positive organizational scholarship (POS) can really live up to its “positive” aims?


According to Bean and Hamilton, after the downsizing at Telenor, some staff accepted the corporate “alignment” frame, while others adopted an “alienated” frame and felt marginalized and feared for their job security.


The primary role of a change manager is to direct staff during complex situations.


Underpinned by the _____ image, the sense-making approach maintains that change emerges over time and consists of a series of interpretive activities that help to create in people new meanings about their organizations and about the ways in which they can operate differently in the future.


The focus of the awareness, desire, knowledge, ability, and reinforcement (ADKAR) change model lies with the individuals who will be involved in and affected by change.


Which of the following is a difference between dialogic organizational development (OD) and diagnostic organizational development (OD)?


According to Barry Staw and Jerry Ross, the factor that leads to escalation resulting from self-justification biases in which having been personally responsible for a decision can lead to continued commitment in order to try to avoid being associated with losses is known as a(n):


In the context of Lewin’s three-stage model of change management, which of the following is involved in the unfreezing stage?


In the context of praiseworthy and blameworthy failures, Marks and Shaw argue that a firm may gain more in the long term from a(n) _____.


Identify the question that corresponds to Aspire in the McKinsey 5A model.


According to Cummings and Worley, which of the following is NOT a skill needed by an organization development (OD) practitioner?


The benefits of change may result in the J-curve, in which:


According to Dunphy and Stace, the disadvantage of the tell and sell change management style is that it _____.


Which of the following approaches is NOT encompassed in positive organizational scholarship (POS)?


Which of the following is NOT a criticism of organization development (OD)?


Unanticipated outcomes are not a sign of management failure; in complex change processes, the unexpected is to be expected.


Which of the following is NOT one of Barry Staw and Jerry Ross’s factors that lead to escalation?


According to the text, which of the following is NOT a major organizational change experienced by Nova Scotia Power from 1982 to 2002?



Of the six images of managing change, the _____ and _____ images have their foundations in the field of organization theory.


The _____ image of managing change assumes that change managers receive rather than initiate change.


The primary background of Likert’s organization development (OD) model is:


Which of the following is NOT a core set of values contained in the organization development (OD) field?


In the context of the core set of values of the organization development (OD) field, _____ values relate to social justice, freedom of choice, and involvement.


The first step in action research is:


Which of the following is NOT a part of Kurt Lewin’s three-stage model of change?


In the context of the core set of values of the organization development (OD) field, _____ values relate to authenticity, growth, and self-realization.


According to Cummings and Worley, organization development (OD) practitioners need _____ skills, which include having a well-developed set of values and personal integrity and the ability to retain their own health in high-stress organizational situations.


Which of the following is NOT a technique designed to work with large groups of people at a time?


According to Fuller et al., which of the following is true of appreciative inquiry?


Which of the following has been dubbed as a “new movement in organizational science” since its emergence in the early 2000s?


The _____ is an assumption that planned, intended change is necessary in order to disrupt the forces that contribute to a lack of change in an organization so that there is a lag between environmental change and organizational adaptation.


_____, an alternative to large-scale structural change, is a strategic process of small-scale changes that enable constant realignment of organizational processes to external changes.


The best change sequence in the event of ineffectiveness in the system is:


Central to the traditional organization development (OD) approach is the role of the OD practitioner, who may be either internal or external to an organization.


One of the biggest strengths of the traditional organization development (OD) field was that it was well suited to handle large-scale organizational change.


According to the organization development (OD) approach, it is the bottom rung of an organization that is committed to the change process.


Under dialogic organization development (OD), the role of the OD consultant moved from being the provider of data for fact-driven decision making to being the facilitator of processes that encouraged “conversations” around change issues.


The ability of a powerful actor to project sense-making onto a situation, shaping the interpretations of others, is known as projective sense-making.


Animation is one of the four drivers of organizational change whereby people remain in motion and may experiment.


According to the _____ image of managing change, with respect to sustaining change, it is the responsibility of the change manager to design the change process and direct others to comply to ensure that planned objectives are achieved


According to the _____ image of managing change, with respect to sustaining change, the change manager designs the change process to fit the context, recognizing that modifications will be required and that the outcome may not be as intended


According to the _____ image of managing change, with respect to sustaining change, the change manager’s main role is to help others to develop the capabilities necessary to achieve the intended outcomes of the change


According to the text, which of the following was NOT a problem faced by the U.S. Postal Service in 2001?


A problem associated with sustaining change is:


According to David Buchanan et al., which of the following is the main threat to the sustainability of change in an organization?


_____ treats occasional failure as natural and as an opportunity to develop better understanding and to improve future performance.


Which of the following was NOT a problem faced by McDonald’s when launching hotels in Switzerland?


Which of the following illustrates a praiseworthy failure?


Which of the following is NOT one of the “four hard lessons” identified by Robert Reisner for organizations undertaking a major change initiative in a turbulent economic environment?


The commitment of resources to an initiative in such a way that to withdraw would be extremely costly conveys _____.


Which of the following is NOT an action employed to sustain change?


According to Kanter et al., which of the following is NOT a component of helpful metric measures?


Federal Express abandoned its new aircraft routing system after the implementation caused difficulties with the union. The difficulties included all of the following EXCEPT:


Anne Fisher uses the term _____ to describe those who display support in public but are resentful of the change and are waiting for the opportunity to return to the “old ways” of working to which they remain committed.


Which of the following is NOT one of Mark Keil and Ramiro Montealegre’s practices to avoid escalation of commitment?


According to Barry Staw and Jerry Ross, _____ leads to escalation of commitment where the lack of progress is considered to be due to a temporary problem, or where additional funding is considered likely to be effective.


Sustainability implies that new practices and processes are routinized until they become obsolete.


Changes tend to “stick” to an organization when new structures, processes, and working practices are no longer seen as “change”.


There is likely to be nothing more damaging to the credibility of a change program than for the actions of the change advocates to be consistent with what they espouse.


Staff selection, and promotion processes, can be subtle but powerful ways to change and to maintain an organization’s culture.


David Nadler argues that at the very least, an organization should conduct a full-scale assessment within twenty-four months of the initiation of major change activities, and then bi-annually thereafter.


Preventive maintenance involves action to sustain the status quo, to keep new working practices operating as intended, and to meet predetermined targets and objectives.


Even in the best-managed situation, not all change outcomes are controllable or predictable.


_____ change theorists and practitioners take an “it depends” approach in which the style of change, especially the style of leadership, is dependent on the scale of the proposed change and the readiness of the staff to receive it.


Process theories see change unfolding over time in a messy and iterative way and thus rely more heavily on the image of a change manager as a(n) _____.


Which of the following is one of “the seven Cs of change” developed by the UK Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development?


Which of the following companies developed the awareness, desire, knowledge, ability, and reinforcement (ADKAR) model of change?


According to Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert Sutton, which of the following is one of the four steps to be taken by change managers in order to ensure fast and effective change?


Which of the following is the main difference between Prosci’s ADKAR change model and McKinsey’s change checklist approach?


Which of the following is a probable reason for the popularity of the checklist approach with professional bodies and management consultancies?


Which of the following is a true statement about the duration, integrity, commitment, and effort (DICE) model developed by the Boston Consulting Group?


What is the first step in Kotter’s eight-stage model of transformational change?


What is the final step in Kotter’s eight-stage model of transformational change?


Which of the following laws that states that change often looks like a failure in the middle is invoked by Kurt Lewin’s second stage of change?


According to the text, which of the following is the main reason for British Airways employees going on a strike in 2003?


According to Kotter’s eight-stage model of transformational change, during the stage in which management would ensure that there is a powerful change group to guide the change, the actions taken would include:


The processual approaches is similar to contingency theory in that both assume that:


According to the processual approach, external context includes:


According to Patrick Dawson, to understand change, organizations must consider:


Which of the following is NOT one of Dawson and Andriopoulos’s “general lessons” concerning change management practice?


According to Dunphy and Stace, the style of change where there is limited employee involvement in setting goals relevant to areas of responsibility is known as the:


According to Dunphy and Stace, the style of change adopted when an organization needs major adjustments to meet environmental conditions, where there is little time for participation, and where there is support for radical change is called:


According to Marco Gardini et al., change is said to be successful if:


Which of the following is a disadvantage of the change management style of inviting participation?


In the context of the scale of change identified by the Stace-Dunphy contingency matrix, which of the following best defines corporate transformation?


One of the main criticisms of the contingency approach is that:


Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert Sutton advise change managers to create satisfaction among employees to make them welcome change better.


The first step in Kotter’s eight-stage model of transformational change is to develop the vision for change.


According to John Kotter, transformational changes often fail because the changes are not embedded and because victory is declared too soon.


The disadvantage of the “tell and sell” management style is that it may be seen as cosmetic, especially if consequences for staff are negative and serious.


The Hope Hailey-Balogun change kaleidoscope is a context-sensitive approach to the design and implementation of change.



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