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BUSI 405 Weekly Exercise 4 solutions complete answers

BUSI 405 Weekly Exercise 4 solutions complete answers 


Chapter 4: Introuduction to Forecasting with Regression Trend Models

1. Homework: Exercises 8, 9, 10, 11, 14 and 18

Exercise 4:

a. t-ratio=coefficient/standard error

The rule of thumb for significance testing is if the absolute value of t-ratio is greater than 2

then, the coefficient is statisically significant which means the coefficient is significantly different from zero.

For example, t-ratio for "Constant" is 3.04 which is greater than 2.  Therefore, the coefficient of 20,720 is significantly different from zero.

b. It is R-squared right below the table

c. Substitute 20 into EXP in the following equation

Salary = 20,720 + 805 (EXP) for point estimate the approximate 95 percent confidence interval estimates would be point estimate ± 2 (SEE)  

SEE is the standard erro of the estimate which is right under R-squared value

Exercise 10:

a. The equation is

Booking = b0 + b1(Income)

Booking is the dependent variable and Income is the independent variable

To obtian the regression eq;uation using Forecast X:

First, highlight the data for "Bookings" and "Income."  Do not highlight "Location"

Open Forecast X > Forecast Method > Choose "Multiple Regression"  under "Forecast Technique" > Report > Audit>Finish

Exercise 18:

a. For trend forecat, open  Forecast X > Forecast Method > Choose "Trend (Linear) Regression"

b. To reseasonalize the data, time the value with the corresponding seasonal index

For example, for Jan-17, actual shoe store sales SSS=SASSS x 0.74 = 2,2422 x 0.74=1,792



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