CCOU 201 Quiz 1 Introduction to People Care and Root Issues solutions complete answers
According to the text, “if the population in our pews is representative of the world around us, ____ in _____ of those pew-sitters in the U.S. struggles with a diagnosable mental disorder with hew receiving help or direction.”
The process of asking questions for the purpose of deepening the content of the therapeutic encounter is called what?
Which of the following is listed as the first foundation in order for a counselor to establish a position of strength and authority in counseling?
The term “warn” as referred in the text comes from the root word mind and is the seat of consciousness that includes:
A wisdom theology of caregiving is especially commended to counselors, as it incorporates both the creating and redemptive visions of God and is applicable to problems in everyday life
Christ-empowered change, which can be understood as the power in counseling and psychotherapy is what?
According to the text, it can be said that individuals become counselors for one of two reasons; either they wish to help their families, or they wish to help people around them who are hurting.
More and more people are understanding that many mental/emotional disorders are serious issues like cancer and diabetes.
According to the text, the destruction of American families is resulting in children 10-15 years after their parent’s divorce to continue to battle with resulting unhappiness.
Constructing a personal model or style of intervention is a developmental process that every counselor must engage in to be fruitful in one’s work.
Over the last several decades, research studies have proven the efficacy of counseling. Moreover, ____ and faith-based psychotherapy have skyrocketed, showing the values of “___ meets counseling.”
Many Christians rightly believe that accepting a chronic understanding of a disorder is tantamount to a failed faith.
Healthy sexuality means the counselor ______ sexual advances made by clients.
What is defined in the text as “saving a client instead of empowering a client to save him/herself?
A very significant area of study and debate in counseling today surrounds the issue of what?
According to the text, what did Eileen struggle with when initially visiting the author of the text?
There is a balance between supporting clients through tough situations while at the same time challenging their destructive beliefs and sinful choices.
Counseling, as a profession, usually attracts ____ and ____ persons.
The cynic might say that God reveals Himself in such complex ways to confuse and distress us with mysteries we cannot understand, puzzles we cannot unravel. According to the text, the believer might assert a simpler, more direct reason:
Counselors should always feel the need to fill the void of silence in counseling to best serve the client.
According to the text, most outcome research focuses on what?
Which liberal religious magazine told two stories of mainline church pastors who were transformed by Christ and become “post-liberals?”
Christian counseling is a war for what?
What is it called when counselors believe they can heal everyone?
According to the book, churches involved in evangelism and outreach may show even higher rates of disorder because they are fulfilling what?
What was found to be the actual problem for Eileen?
Which of the following is NOT listed an encumbering effect of fatherlessness among American youth?
The text mainly focuses on caring for people well rather than caring for people God’s way.
According to the text, what role in effective counselors is described as an “expert guide” where the counselor helps the client troubleshoot a situation or make important life decisions?
_______ is a lifelong process of being made incrementally more like Christ
Bearing fruit is guaranteed to make the work of ministry easier according to the authors.
All counseling and psychotherapy is deeply value-based.
According to the text, building an effective caring and counseling ministry starts with what?
According to the text, counselors must establish what so that they can continue to objectively and effectively help clients.
What is true regarding the meaning of the term positive regard according to the authors of this book?
It is better for the counselor to be in a disposition that is “demanding” in the counselor-client relationship as they are the professionals expected to create change.
Which of the following is NOT one of the “four legs” the book mentions must work together in harmony and mutual respect so that the church is not overwhelmed by sins and mental troubles?
Which of the following is one of the authoritative four foundations for competent Christian counseling according to the text?
_____ was mentioned in the text under transforming change as stating “counseling models that do not consciously set Christ at the center may be useful to some degree, but are insufficient models because clinically we have all encountered persons who, after years of work, are still stuck, still oppressed.”
Regarding “hunger and relationships,” counselors must have their ____ needs filled adequately if they intend to help clients with their interrelational problems.
Which of the following is mentioned as part of the Chalcedonian pattern of logic?
According to the text under challenging transforming change, most outcome research studies do not just focus on symptom reduction.
As indicated in Scripture, God equips some people with gifts to be counselors, therefore, this is a good motivation to becoming one.
Christian counselors are guided by ______ that helps them serve those in need in a way that honors Christ and brings unity to the church.
When the client’s anxiety disrupts the stability of the counselor
According to Gallup and Jones, what percentage of Americans desire for a more intimate relationship with God?
Counselor competence is greatly enhanced when we build from a solid theological foundation.
According to what the authors asserted in The Soul Care Bible, the ___ is critical to the care and solace of those suffering with mental disorders. These people are often very isolated, fearful, confused, and in need of unconditional love to return to vital living.”
Which of the following is mentioned as the Chalcedonian pattern of logic?
More and more people are understanding that many/emotional disorders are serious issues like cancer and diabetes.
When God is truly present in counseling, sin can be redemptively accepted and honestly disclosed as what leads us?
Which of the following best fits into this statement according to the text? It does not take long to learn that one of the most important ingredients is _____ in the counseling relationship.