COMS 101 quiz chapter 2 solutions complete answers
A specific statement of what you want your audience to know, believe, or do, is called the:
The three phases of reaction are ____________.
You should choose a speech topic that you know nothing about, so that you can learn from your research.
The approach to public speaking where speaking is viewed as an opportunity to engage in conversation with topics of importance and focuses on getting your message across is called:
Performance orientation views public speaking as a special technique that works to impress audiences with their posture.
A speech goal states what you want your audience to know, believe, or do.
The confrontation phase is _____________.
The organization of your speech will naturally evolve from your research and will involve little effort on your part.
Using positive-talk before your speech is a good technique to reduce speech anxiety.
The anticipation phase is _________________.
Public speaking apprehension is .
What percent of the U.S. population experiences high levels of apprehension?
Public Speaking Apprehension gradually as we speak.
Anticipation reaction is .
Confrontation reaction is .
Adaptation reaction is .
The “communibiological” theory suggests that .
Extroverted people experience levels of public speaking apprehension.
The theory that suggests that most of us become apprehensive because we don’t know how to plan or prepare effectively for a public presentation is .
Communication Orientation Motivation (COM) techniques are designed to reduce anxiety by helping the speaker adopt a orientation.
In performance orientation, the speaker views the audience as .
In order to reduce public speaking apprehension a speaker must adopt a orientation rather than a orientation.
A speech plan is .
One way to reduce speech anxiety is to .
According to the text, an effective speech plan requires .
You should choose a topic that you .
The goal of practicing your speech is to .
A narrative/personal experience speech .
Visualization involves picturing .
Public Speaking Apprehension is uncommon and only affects a few people.
It helps to be a little nervous to do your best.
Learning the processes and behaviors associated with effective speech making does not reduce Public Speaking Apprehension.
Some public speaking apprehension may be inborn.
An audience is unlikely to detect the level of nervousness of a speaker.