HIEU 201 Quiz 5 The Hellenistic Age and The Roman Republic solutions complete answers
Which of the following is NOT an example of the ways in which the world changed after Alexander's conquests?
a. A new fusion of disparate peoples and the intermingling of cultural traditions developed.
b. The parochialism of the polis gave way to a world outlook.
c. The distinctions between barbarian and Greek became much more prominent.
d. The West and East were brought much closer together.
Alexander's invasion of the Near East was motivated primarily by
a. his desire to obtain the agricultural wealth of Mesopotamia and Egypt in order to feed the growing population of Greece.
b. a wish to avenge the Persian attacks on Greece in the fifth century B.C.; to eliminate any further threat from Persia; and also to satisfy his own desire for adventure.
c. the pledge he made to Philip to destroy the Ionian cities that had rebelled against him.
d. his personal hatred for the Persian king, Darius III.
Hellenistic cosmopolitanism expressed itself in all of the following ways EXCEPT
a. the integration of the culture of the city and the culture of the countryside.
b. an increased movement of peoples.
c. an expansion of trade.
d. the adoption of common currency standards.
Koine refers to a form of shared ________ in Hellenistic cities.
a. laws
b. language
c. religious beliefs
d. political philosophy
The Hellenistic kingdoms were ruled by kings who relied on the
a. political order of ancient Hebrews and sought to organize their societies into communal tribes.
b. political ideals of Athens and sought, like Solon, to create democratic government.
c. political ideals of Sparta and sought to create military order.
d. use of mercenary armies and sought loyalty from their subjects.
The achievements of Hellenistic scientists
a. resulted in immediate technological applications that enhanced people's material comfort.
b. were entirely abstract or philosophical and would never lead to any practical applications.
c. were stimulated, at least in part, by the exchange of new ideas and new knowledge gathered over a wide geographical area.
d. were made primarily by Athenians inspired by Plato's interest in the natural world.
The leading historian of the Hellenistic Age was
a. Theophrastus.
b. Polybius.
c. Theocritus.
d. Apollonius of Rhodes.
Signs that the status of women in Hellenistic society showed some improvement over the classical period include evidence that
a. some royal mothers and daughters exercised political power.
b. some nonroyal women held important priestly offices.
c. women contributed to high culture as poets, harpists, artists, and architects far more than in the classic era.
d. all of the above
The Skeptics taught that
a. human reason brings no happiness, therefore one should have faith in the will of the gods.
b. truth may or may not exist, but humans are incapable of resolving this question.
c. one truth is as good as another, therefore one should do and believe whatever one wants.
d. truth does not exist.
Stoicism reflected the cosmopolitan nature of Hellenistic society in that
a. it postulated that the world constituted a single society, the city of humanity united by the concept of Logos.
b. it advocated greater social and economic equality among all people.
c. its founder, Zeno, conceived of the Divine Order as the use of military force to keep peace among diverse and conflicting people.
d. its founder, Zeno, encouraged the spread of democratic political institutions.
The philosophy of Epicurus
a. taught the value of passivity and urged withdrawal from civic life.
b. recommended the pursuit of pleasure as bringing the greatest joy in life.
c. was based on the assumption that higher powers, such as gods, control the material world from beyond.
d. encouraged people to help change the world through political action.
The unrivaled commercial center of the Hellenistic world was
a. Sardis.
b. Persepolis.
c. Alexandria.
d. Athens.
After Alexander's death
a. his empire fractured into three dynasties: the Ptolemies in Egypt, the Seleucids in western Asia, and the Antigonids in Macedonia.
b. his empire fractured into three dynasties: the Antigonids in Egypt, the Ptolemies in western Asia, and the Seleucids in Macedonia.
c. the Persians conquered his empire and regained their dominance of the Western world.
d. his empire lasted intact for another two hundred years, providing the basis for the Roman Empire.
Cynics responded to the conditions of the Hellenistic world by
a. rejecting the old Greek idea of freedom in favor of more discipline, law, and order in society.
b. renouncing worldliness in favor of a return to traditional Greek religious beliefs and practices.
c. joining together in tightly knit communities, where new social bonds would replace the general alienation of society.
d. disassociating themselves from all aspects of normal society and emphasizing total individual freedom.
Hellenistic and Hellenic philosophers differed in that
a. Hellenistic philosophy had no concern for spiritual or ethical matters.
b. Hellenic thought was more concerned with the good life, whereas Hellenistic thought concentrated on understanding the natural world.
c. Hellenic thinkers sought to define the individual's relationship to the polis, while Hellenistic philosophy dealt more with the individual's relationship to humanity.
d. Hellenistic thinkers rejected the rational tradition of Hellenic thought.
The plays of Menander
a. were apolitical, portraying instead a preoccupation with private life and human weakness.
b. were deeply religious, focusing on the gods and their will.
c. were chauvinistic, praising all things Greek and rejecting other cultures.
d. were deeply political, critiquing all aspects of Hellenistic government.
The Alexandrian scholar-poet Callimachus
a. rejected poetry as unequal to scholarly work.
b. urged his fellow poets to write short, finely crafted works rather than epics.
c. rejected Greek philosophy as unequal to the epics of Homer.
d. urged poets to write long epic works to rival Homer.
In contrast to Epicurean and Stoic belief, the Skeptics
a. believed that only through faith in the gods, could one find true peace.
b. held that there is a definite route to happiness.
c. held that all systems of belief were flawed and did not seek a single path to happiness.
d. rejected the idea that one should avoid anxiety.
According to the Stoics, the wise person
a. should strive to better his or her social and economic position.
b. ordered their lives according to natural law.
c. should give his or her emotions free range, in order that he or she might better understand them.
d. should seek out suffering, in order to learn how to endure it.
Epicurus believed that a wise person should
a. pursue wealth, power, and fame, since all three brought happiness.
b. involve him or herself in civic life as a way to achieve happiness.
c. seek to escape from all sources of worry and fear.
d. surrender him or herself to physical pleasure as a way to achieve happiness.