HIEU 201 Quiz 7 The Roman Empire and Early Christianity solutions complete answers
The second Hebrew revolt in Judea during the reign of Hadrian resulted in
a. the death, enslavement, or emigration of the majority of Palestinian Jews.
b. the permanent return of Jerusalem to Jewish control.
c. a promise from Rome that only Jews would be allowed to settle in Palestine.
d. complete Jewish independence from Rome.
The Pax Romana was characterized by the
a. worsening condition of slaves and women.
b. prevalence of peace in the Mediterranean world without any foreign wars or internal revolts.
c. rejection of Stoic philosophy with its emphasis on the common humanity of all peoples.
d. revival of republican government and the end of the empire.
Octavian took the title princeps, which means
a. god-king.
b. chief priest.
c. first citizen.
d. dictator.
The weaknesses of the economy of Empire during the Pax Romana included all of the following EXCEPT
a. problematic transportation networks that hindered the expansion of trade.
b. the lack of capital investment.
c. the abandonment of slave labor.
d. a growing unemployed underclass.
The major forms of entertainment in the Empire included all of the following EXCEPT
a. chariot races.
b. poetry reading contests.
c. wild animal shows.
d. gladiatorial combats.
Roman Stoics
a. meditated on a mystical being that they believed would assure them of immortality.
b. were attracted to mystery religions and cults.
c. believed that only through veneration of the gods could Rome remain great.
d. believed that moral values were obtained from reason alone.
Diocletian was able to slow the disintegration of the Empire temporarily by
a. restricting the liberty of urban workers and city officials by requiring them to stay in their positions, even if they were losing money.
b. reviving the synthesis of republican and imperial institutions established by Octavian.
c. making taxation more equitable and allowing greater economic freedom and opportunity for the poor.
d. allowing more self-government to the cities and local areas of the Empire.
Plotinus (A.D. c. 205–c. 270) is considered the most influential spokesman for Neo-Platonism, because he
a. argued for a total commitment to rational thought.
b. believed that Rome should return to the political institutions of the Republic.
c. subordinated the mystery cult tradition to philosophy.
d. subordinated philosophy to mysticism and the occult.
Ptolemy is best known for his contributions to the study of
a. chemistry.
b. physics.
c. medicine.
d. astronomy.
In the late Roman Empire, the Roman population saw its government as
a. the epitome of traditional Roman virtues.
b. its only hope for salvation from invasion.
c. more hated and feared than the barbarian invaders.
d. its only source of strong military leadership.
That "Rome fell in A.D. 476" means
a. Rome was abandoned by Constantine in that year when he moved the capital of the Empire to Constantinople in the East.
b. Romulus, the last Western Roman emperor, was replaced by a German ruler in the West.
c. the entire Empire collapsed, and barbarians and Persians took control of the entire Mediterranean world.
d. the city of Rome was destroyed in that year by rival Roman generals.
Augustus carried out all of the following measures EXCEPT
a. the building of aqueducts and water mains.
b. the fostering of democratic institutions in the provinces.
c. the repair of roads and the promotion of public works.
d. reform of the army.
Octavian was able to avoid the fate of Julius Caesar by
a. maintaining the façade of the Republic.
b. disbanding the Senate and executing all of its strongest advocates.
c. retiring from public life as soon as he had restored order in Roman society.
d. declaring himself a monarch with absolute powers.
Roman law came to form the basis of the common law in all Western lands EXCEPT
a. France
b. Germany.
c. Italy.
d. Britain.
The writings of Juvenal
a. celebrated national glory and Roman values.
b. explored the habits of the Germanic peoples.
c. attacked the evils of Roman society.
d. emphasized the virtues of women.
During the Pax Romana, women
a. were not allowed to divorce their husbands.
b. were freed from the responsibility of supervising the household.
c. were forbidden from participating in public festivals and activities.
d. were able to make business arrangements without the consent of their husbands.
Roman rule clashed with Jewish religious-national sentiment because
a. some Jews saw Roman rule as a threat to the purity of Jewish life.
b. Rome allowed the Jews no exemptions from the emperor worship required in the rest of the Empire.
c. Rome forced the Jews to accept statues of the emperors in Jewish temples.
d. Rome sought to outlaw all Jewish religious practices and beliefs.
The crisis of the third century A.D. resulted in part from
a. the collapse of cities and the ruin of the middle class as a consequence of inflation and bad management of the economy by the state.
b. a slackening of the barbarian pressure on the frontiers, leading to a de-emphasis on the importance of the military.
c. the increased application of technology to production, which created in massive unemployment.
d. the increased quality of the Roman imperial soldiery, which led to the army having too much influence in political affairs.
The cult of Mithras was particularly popular with
a. slaves.
b. soldiers.
c. farmers.
d. women.
The jus gentium
a. was, in many ways, a rejection of the principles of Stoicism.
b. combined Roman civil law with principles selected from the Greeks and other peoples.
c. was a special set of laws that applied only to aristocrats.
d. was a set of laws that applied only to Rome, not to other nations.