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HIEU 202 Assignment 10 Quiz The Industrial West solutions complete answers

HIEU 202 Assignment 10 Quiz The Industrial West solutions complete answers


Bismarck's Kulturkampf resulted in


Three years after Louis Napoleon Bonaparte was elected president of the Second French Republic,


The Dreyfus affair


On Easter Sunday in 1916


The women's movement in Britain


After the Franco-Prussian War, the Paris Communards defied the provisional government, because they


During the second wave of industrialization


Women gained the right to vote following World War I in


The nineteenth-century "cult of domesticity"


In the second half of the nineteenth century, Britain was


The constitution on which the German Empire was based provided for


The new Italian government dealt with the difficult social and economic problems of the country by


The Taff Vale decision contributed to


The achievements of the nineteenth century did NOT include


The accelerated urbanization that accompanied the second industrial revolution strengthened ________ in most places.


When the Third French Republic was established in the 1870s


Tsar Alexander II was responsible for


Socialist parties in the two decades preceding World War I


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