HIUS 222 case study quiz 7 solutions complete answers
Which Supreme Court decision overturned the doctrine of “separate but equal”?
Why were the Green (1968) and Alexander (1969) decisions significant?
While legal school segregation ended by 1970, where was there a growing segregation problem?
Who argued, “The black man must have the freedom to choose where he wants to live, where he wants to work, and where he wants to send his child to school”?
While legal school segregation ended by 1970, where was there a growing segregation problem?
Which of the following arguments did Alexander Bickel make in his essay on segregation?
Alexander Bickel questioned whether many blacks and whites wanted further desegregation.
Why was Abraham Ribicoff’s support for John Stennis’s amendment surprising?
_____________________ opposed the Stennis amendment because it offered no provisions for overcoming de facto segregation.
What did Alexander Bickel argue would have happen if integration was forced even in areas where the segregation was caused by residential patterns not laws?
Why was John Stennis’s amendment so significant?
John Stennis called for desegregation of schools regardless of whether it was de facto or de jure segregation.
Who ran as a third party candidate in 1968 and emphasized a platform of racial separation?
Walter Mondale believed that problem of racism in the 1970s in the North was exaggerated.