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HSCO 502 Quiz 2 Early Childhood to Adolescence solutions complete answers

HSCO 502 Quiz 2 Early Childhood to Adolescence solutions complete answers 


Participation in after-school activities sponsored by school or community organizations is


In a study of American Indian families who moved out of poverty (the “ex-poor”), what were the effects on children’s behavior?


Which of the following is true of American teenagers’ knowledge of HIV/AIDS?


Individuals with low levels of self-esteem would be more likely than those with high self-esteem to


In the Primary Mental Health Project begun in 1958 in Monroe County, New York, 1st graders were evaluated in a variety of ways in order to determine which early risk factor might predict later maladjustment. Of all the assessments done on those first grades, which one was the best predictor of mental health problems later?


As Selena and her friends are walking home after school they approach a corner store and see bags of candy and snacks on open shelves outside the front door. A young clerk is also outside waiting for customers. As they get closer, they see the clerk go inside the store. Selena’s friends encourage her to take a bag of candy, but she refuses. According to Gilligan’s theory, how would Selena, if she were an adult, most likely explain why she chose not to steal?


When elementary school children are free to choose whomever they wish to play with, the most consistent finding is that they will loose


One way to assess children's status among their peers is to ask each child in a classroom to choose which other children he or she would most like to sit next to or to do various things with, and which other children he or she would least like to do these things with. This technique is called



· Question 1


For an adolescent engaging in risky behavior (e.g., alcohol use), one strategy that counselors can use is to introduce dissonance into the discussion. Before a counselor can do so effectively, she must
·         Question 2


Which of the following is a difference between working memory and long-term memory?
·         Question 3


Studies show that formal operational thinking is:
·         Question 4


One factor that promotes self-esteem among minority group members is
·         Question 5


The unique state of instability and anxiety in adolescence, brought on by body changes, emerging sexual needs, hormonal shifts, cognitive changes, and changing maturity demands, is referred to as
·         Question 6


High levels of parental monitoring and control are associated with which of the following outcomes regardless of ethnicity or social class?
·         Question 7


In adolescence and early adulthood, males and females begin to spend more time in mixed-gender groups. Studies of who has more influence on the outcome of problem solving in mixed-gender groups indicate that
·         Question 8


According to research, in middle childhood, academic competence, athletic competence physica appearence, peer acceptance and behavioral conduct are important to the development of self-esteem. Which one of these domains have been proven to be more important that the others?
·         Question 9


Video response. Review the video on, page 307 of your book; from the 3 statements select which one(s) are correct. 
Statement 1: When considering selective association, gender is a key consideration across cultures, during middle childhood. 
Statement 2: During middle childhood, girls are more interested in high activity play and boys are more interested in cooperative play; this changes during adolescence. 
Statement 3: To help child develop appropriate peer relationships, girls and boys should be forced to mix and be introduced to activities that are suitable to both genders.
·         Question 10


When Marla, age 14, decides that she is a good writer because she gets better grades than her friend Jenna on stories she writes for English, she is demonstrating the use of ____________ as part of identity formation.
·         Question 11


The term ____________ refers to the description of a person’s attributes, whereas the term ____________ refers to how a person feels about those attributes.
·         Question 12


Video response. Review the video on, page 173 of your book; from the 3 statements select which one(s) are correct. 
Statement 1: the video demonstrates that self-recognitions is a fluid characteristic and can occur at any time in a child’s development. 
Statement 2:  The video demonstrates that the emergence of self-awareness and self-concept are psychosocial processes, not related to cognitive development. 
Statement 3: the video demonstrates the emergence of self-recognition in children; typically, child gain objective self-awareness around 15 months old.
·         Question 13


Video response. Review the video on, page 376 of your book; from the 3 statements select which one(s) are correct. 
Statement 1: The girl was exhibiting a normal element of adolescent development by desiring that her parents allow her to make more decisions on her own, and to trust her ability to make good decisions. 
Statement 2:  The parents described in the video were permissive and allowed the girl lenience in her activities and freedom to make her own decisions. 
Statement 3: The girl in the video described her parents as good role models but admitted that she often disagreed with them.
·         Question 14


Which of the following emotions develops only after a child has a mental representation of him or herself as a separate person?
·         Question 15


Which of the following elements is most closely associated with the concept of the imaginary audience?
·         Question 16


Males are less likely to survive than females, both before and after birth. One important reason is that
·         Question 17


Video response. Review the video on, page 386 of your book; from the 3 statements select which one(s) are correct. 
Statement 1: The video suggests that the media does apply peer pressure to adolescents to dress and act according popular trends. 
Statement 2:  The video suggests that text messaging is the most popular form of communication and even increases responses to parents. 
Statement 3: The video suggests that there are both positive and negative influences of social media on adolescents.
·         Question 18


What kind of peer intervention is least likely to be helpful to troubled teens?
·         Question 19


Which of the following is more typical of boys’ sex-segregated groups than of girls’ sex segregated groups?
·         Question 20


Which of the following is a temperamental characteristic that is associated with prosocial behavior?
·         Question 21


Which of the following statements is FALSE with respect to the moral self:
·         Question 22


Beliefs about sex differences sometimes are supported by research and sometimes are not. Which of the following gender stereotypes is not supported by research?
·         Question 23


Video response. Review the video on, page 261 of your book; from the 3 statements select which one(s) are correct. 
Statement 1: The two younger children demonstrated preconventional morality, and the two older children demonstrated conventional morality. 
Statement 2:  The two younger children were mostly concerned with the consequences of the behavior whereas the two older children were able to consider intentions. 
Statement 3: All four children demonstrated preconventional morality.
·         Question 24


A cognitive change during middle childhood that is characterized by improved declarative, procedural, and conditional knowledge is know as
·         Question 25


Which of the following describes a type of influence that parents can have on whether or not their adolescent becomes a member of a particular crowd?
·         Question 26


Brain developments in the adolescent period include which of the following?
·         Question 27


Which of the following therapeutic approaches is designed to help children develop their perspective taking and friendship skills?
·         Question 28


Which of the following best represents Mead’s contribution to our understanding of self-development?
·         Question 29


Which of the following is a well-documented gender difference in brain structure?
·         Question 30


A coping style which has been linked to higher levels of depression among adolescent girls and women is
·         Question 31


According to Crittendon’s model, infants encode early experiences of care-giving in the form of
·         Question 32


Stanley is 7 years old. His parents are quite concerned about his school progress. Although he has begun to learn to read, he reverses some letters when he writes. Based on research, Stanley’s school counselor should tell his parents that
·         Question 33


Which of the following is a critical element that underlies the development of self-control?
·         Question 34


By middle childhood, boys’ choices of companions tend to be based on shared interests, whereas girls’ choices of companions tend to be based more on
·         Question 35


Video response. Review the video on, page 215 of your book; from the 3 statements select which one(s) are correct. 
Statement 1: The boy is reciting an audio biological memory of the event based on episodic memory.
Statement 2:  The boy is using schematic representation of the event to form a script. 
Statement 3: The boy is demonstrating declarative knowledge about facts and events.
·         Question 36


Research indicates that sex role development usually proceeds normally in single parent families as well as in the more traditional dual parent families. These findings are not consistent with predictions from what type of theory about how sex differences develop?
·         Question 37


Annette is a warm and affectionate mother to her sons, Jason and Keith. When she comes home from her job, she likes to spend time playing with them, preparing their favorite foods, and watching TV with them. She describes herself as a “soft touch” when it comes to her children. Lately she has been hearing complaints about 6-year-old Jason’s behavior in school. Annette thinks the teacher is being too hard on her son. She does not want anything to affect the good relationship she has with her children. Which style best describes Annette’s parenting?
·         Question 38


Sabrina and Bethany are both members of the same crowd in high school, which means that
·         Question 39


When Sammy had to learn the names of all the planets, as well as their relative sizes, he made up sentences to help him create meaningful links between the concepts. For example, “Eartha ate the Mars candy bar” helped him remember that Earth is larger than Mars. Sammy was using a memory strategy called
·         Question 40


The internalization of rules and standards of behavior is most closely associated with the development of
·         Question 41


Which of the following most accurately reflects Erikson’s view of identity?
·         Question 42


Friendship, according to Selman, requires balancing
·         Question 43


Which statement about children’s antisocial behavior is INCORRECT:
·         Question 44


Schulman (2002) defines morality as composed of three interlocking systems, including
·         Question 45


Self-esteem has been mistakenly touted as the “holy grail” of mental health, and this has meant that
·         Question 46


At what age would a young child typically show self-recognition, the ability to recognize themselves in a mirror?
·         Question 47


Which of the following statements is FALSE with regard to the onset of menarche?
·         Question 48


When considering identity status, which statement is TRUE?
·         Question 49


Which of the following is true with regard to the way coping styles relate to depression?
·         Question 50


Billy’s babysitter takes him to the park every day where he can play with other preschoolers. When Billy falls or gets hurt, his babysitter soothes him until he feels better. One day Dwayne, another preschool child, falls from the swings. Billy looks concerned and rushes over to help. Then Billy tells his babysitter that Dwayne got hurt. According to research, Billy’s prosocial behavior is strongly related to Billy’s experience of

Question 1

The unique state of instability and anxiety in adolescence, brought on by body changes, emerging sexual needs, hormonal shifts, cognitive changes, and changing maturity demands, is referred to as


Question 2

Which of the following is more typical of boys’ sex-segregated groups than of girls’ sex segregated groups?


Question 3

Piaget’s description of the differences between preoperational thought (characteristic of preschool aged children) and concrete operational thought (characteristic of elementary school aged children), includes which of the following?


Question 5

Which of the following therapeutic approaches is designed to help children develop their perspective taking and friendship skills?


Question 6

Beliefs about sex differences sometimes are supported by research and sometimes are not. Which of the following gender stereotypes is not supported by research?


Question 7 Which of the following statements is FALSE with respect to the moral self:


Question 8

Which of the following parenting styles is most closely associated with positive outcomes in psychosocial development and school achievement for adolescents?


Question 9

When Marla, age 14, decides that she is a good writer because she gets better grades than her friend Jenna on stories she writes for English, she is demonstrating the use of ____________ as part of identity formation.


Question 10

High levels of parental monitoring and control are associated with which of the following outcomes regardless of ethnicity or social class?


Question 11

Self-esteem has been mistakenly touted as the “holy grail” of mental health, and this has meant that


Question 12

The ability to restrain or redirect a strong impulse in order to perform a less-preferred response is called


Question 13

Recent research on the self-system supports the idea that the self is ____________ in nature.


Question 14

Memory is to some degree reconstructed. This accounts for the phenomenon of


Question 15

Friendship, according to Selman, requires balancing


Question 17

Billy’s babysitter takes him to the park every day where he can play with other preschoolers. When Billy falls or gets hurt, his babysitter soothes him until he feels better. One day Dwayne, another preschool child, falls from the swings. Billy looks concerned and rushes over to help. Then Billy tells his babysitter that Dwayne got hurt. According to research, Billy’s prosocial behavior is strongly related to Billy’s experience of


Question 19

Sabrina and Bethany are both members of the same crowd in high school, which means that


Question 20

At what age would a young child typically show self-recognition, the ability to recognize themselves in a mirror?


Question 21

What kind of peer intervention is least likely to be helpful to troubled teens?


Question 22

Which of the following emotions develops only after a child has a mental representation of him or herself as a separate person?


Question 23

What is the “two-pronged approach” to helping adolescents with their behavioral, social, or academic problems?


Question 25

Annette is a warm and affectionate mother to her sons, Jason and Keith. When she comes home from her job, she likes to spend time playing with them, preparing their favorite foods, and watching TV with them. She describes herself as a “soft touch” when it comes to her children. Lately she has been hearing complaints about 6-year-old Jason’s behavior in school. Annette thinks the teacher is being too hard on her son. She does not want anything to affect the good relationship she has with her children. Which style best describes Annette’s parenting?


Question 29

Which of the following elements is most closely associated with the concept of the imaginary audience?


Question 31

A person who perceives neutral events as containing aggressive or threatening meaning is said to possess a


Question 36

Which of the following is a critical element that underlies the development of self-control?


Question 37

Which of the following is a difference between working memory and long-term memory?


Question 40

Some research shows that cultural values and goals shape the kinds of discipline that parents use with their children. One example is that Puerto Rican mothers wanted their children to recognize their obligations and connectedness to others; their goals for their children were more ____________ than the goals of European American mothers


Question 43

Which of the following is true with regard to the way coping styles relate to depression?


Question 44

Which of the following does not contribute to improvements in children’s ability to remember with increasing age?


Question 46

The maturing of the corpus callosum by middle childhood is especially important for      


Question 47

Biological females with two X chromosomes are sometimes born with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), which causes their external genitalia to appear more like those of a male. They may be misidentified at birth and raised as males. If the correct identification is not made before age 3, physicians often advise parents to continue raising the child as a boy, because the child’s gender identity may be difficult to change after age 3. The experiences of CAH girls and other gender atypical children have helped demonstrate that


Question 48

Males are less likely to survive than females, both before and after birth. One important reason is that


Question 50

Pubertal processes begin when certain changes occur in the endocrine system. Which of the following explains the beginning of this process?



At what age would a young child typically show self-recognition, the ability to recognize themselves in a mirror?


What does Savin-Williams (2005) argue about the nature of sexual orientation?


Experimentation with deviant or risky behaviors (drug use, vandalism, sex, truancy, etc.) in adolescence is


One gender-related characteristic of peer evaluations is that


The dimension of parenting style called parental responsiveness can usefully be broken down into two characteristics: acceptance (affection, involvement, concern) and:
Experimentation with deviant or risky behaviors (drug use, vandalism, sex, truancy, etc.) in adolescence is:
For an adolescent engaging in risky behavior (e.g., alcohol use), one strategy that counselors can use is to introduce dissonance into the discussion. Before a counselor can do so effectively, she must:
High levels of parental monitoring and control are associated with which of the following outcomes regardless of ethnicity or social class?
Jasmine, age 16, has just begun an after-school and weekend job at which she expects to work about 20-25 hours a week. She plans to use her earnings to buy clothes, gas for her car, and to fund outings with friends. Based on research, which of the following is the most likely outcome of Jasmine's part-time employment?
On the basis of research on parenting, what advice should counselors give parents about how much to be involved in their adolescents' school life?
Research indicates that children's feelings of autonomy from peers are likely to be at their lowest point for which of the following age groups?
Studies of American schools indicate that as children move out of elementary school into middle and junior high schools, instructional practices are characterized more by 
____________ than they were in the earlier grades.
To understand parent-teen conflicts, it can be helpful for the counselor to understand the parents' and teen's views of parental control. For example, teens often consider some aspects of parental control legitimate but not others. Which of the following kinds of rules governing behavior are teens most likely to feel that parents should not control?
The unique state of instability and anxiety in adolescence, brought on by body changes, emerging sexual needs, hormonal shifts, cognitive changes, and changing maturity demands, is referred to as:
What is the "two-pronged approach" to helping adolescents with their behavioral, social, or academic problems?
What kind of peer intervention is least likely to be helpful to troubled teens?
When Marla, age 14, decides that she is a good writer because she gets better grades than her friend Jenna on stories she writes for English, she is demonstrating the use of ____________ as part of identity formation.
When peers and parents both support academics, adolescents tend to be successful students. When peers and parents are at odds on the importance or value of academics, which of the following is most often true according to research?

Which of the following parenting styles is most closely associated with positive outcomes in psychosocial development and school achievement for adolescents?


According to Erikson, what are the processes involved in the development of identity?
Allie's 8th grade academic work is a little more advanced than what she is used to. She is having a hard time keeping up, particular in science, which is her first period course. The teacher moves very fast, biological explanation for the students' behavior in science class?
Before using cognitive therapies with children, which of the following is an important area of cognitive skill that clinicians should assess in their young clients?
Beliefs about sex differences sometimes are supported by research and sometimes are not. Which of the following gender stereotypes is not supported by research?
Beth comes from a working-class family. Since her father is disabled and unemployed. Beth needed to take a full-time job right after high school to help her mother provide for two younger children. Fortunately, she got a job as a receptionist in her uncle's real estate business. The secretarial skills she learned in high school help pay the family's bills. According to Marcia's categories of identity status, which placement would you assign to Beth with regard to her vocational identity?
Billy's babysitter takes him to the park every day where he can play with other preschoolers. When Billy falls or gets hurt, his babysitter soothes him until he feels better. One day Dwayne, another preschool child, falls from he swings. Billy looks concerned and rushes over to help. Then Billy tells his babysitter that Dwayne got hurt. According to research, Billy's prosocial behavior is strongly related to Billy's experience of
Biological females with two X chromosomes are sometimes born with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), which causes their external genitalia to appear more like those of a male. They may be misidentified at birth and raised as males. If the correct identification is not made before age 3, physicians often advise parents to continue raising the child as a boy, because the child's gender identity may be difficult to change after age 3. The experiences of CAH girls and other atypical children have helped demonstrate that
Both Sam and Suzanna, age 11, are having trouble making friends. A counselor assesses each of them for social interactive skills and discovers that Sam has poor perspective-taking skills for his age. Suzanna actually has good perspective-taking skills, but she fails to use these skills effectively when interacting with others. In Selman's terms, these two children show different levels of ____ but similar levels of _____/
Brain developments in the adolescent period include which of the following?
Brendt has finished 6th grade in his elementary school and is beginning 7th grade at a junior high school. According to research on school transitions, what is most likely to be true for Brendt?
Carla, a bight, energetic 8-year-old, has lost four gloves during the past few weeks. Her mother is annoyed at the need to keep replacing gloves. Carla notices that her little brother is amused that Carla is in trouble, and she formulates the theory that her brother is stealing the gloves just to get her into trouble. Carla is convinced that she is right. She refuses to entertain her mother's suggestion that Carla is often so distracted that she does not keep track of her possessions. Carla is displaying a form of
Charles was a temperamentally irritable baby who was difficult for his parents to handle. Now at 6, he is showing behavior problems in school. He has not mastered his alphabet letters and gives up easily. Charles's parents also have difficulty making rules stick with him at home. They remember how easy their other two children were to raise and now have less patience with their youngest son. Based on research, which of the following characteristics is least likely to be related to Charles' conduct problems?
Colin is applying for the pre-med major. Colin worked in the health science area for several years before returning to college. He is very serious about doing well in school. According to Marcia's categories of identity status, which placement would assign to Colin with regard to his vocational identity?
Coping style which as been linked to higher levels of depression among adolescent girls and women
Counselors who work to improve children's social relationships are concerned with developing friendship skills. According to Selman, friendship skills can be defined as
Counselors working with school-age children and adolescents need to recognize that gender identity continues to develop in these years. Among the important findings from recent research is that girls tend to feel
Currently available evidence is strongest for ____ influences on the development of gender identity, and there is no reliable evidence for ___ causes after birth.
Dennis is a 17-year-old who comes to a counselor because he feels sexually attracted to males, which is at odds with his religious beliefs. Although he has felt this way for a long time, he is still struggling to understand why. Based upon the information presented in this chapter, which of these explanation has some research support?
The dimension of parenting style called parental responsiveness can usefully be broken down into two characteristic acceptance (affection, involvement, concern) and
Experimentation with deviant or risky behaviors (drug use, vandalism, sex, truancy, etc.) in adolescence is

For counselors who work with abused and maltreated children, which of the following statements draws an appropriate conclusion from research on social cognition and friendship?
Friendship, according to Selman requires balancing
High levels of parental monitoring and control are associated with which of the following outcomes regardless of ethnicity or social class?
In America, Black, White, middle-class communities are similar in many respects but tend to differ in other respects. Which of the following characterizes most accurately?
In a study of children from elementary school to young adulthood (Mahoney, 2000), participation in extracurricular activities for at least a year was associated with high rates of graduation and low rates of criminal activity if the student's
In middle childhood and early adolescence, cliques serve the purpose of
It's a typical day for Tessa, a counselor who works with teenagers, Marcus explains to her that he came to school high on drugs because he can get away with ___it. He believes his teachers are clueless when it comes to spotting kids on drugs. Which form of adolescent egocentrism might Elkind use to describe Marcus view of the world?
Jacob, age 13, gets a laugh from the whole school orchestra when he imitates the music teacher, who is out of the room. The next day, Jacob's friend Brad boasts at lunch that "Jacob and I really got a laugh out of the orchestra at practice yesterday" Brad is identifying with Jacob and appropriating Jacob's accomplishment as his own. This example illustrates one kind of
Jasmine, age 16, has just begun an after-school and weekend job at which she expects to work about 20-25 hours a week. She plans to use her earnings to buy clothes, gas for her car, and to fund outings with friends. Based on research, which of the following is most likely outcome of Jasmine part-time employment?
Jermey, a 2nd grader is in the counselor office because he hit another boy on the playground. He tells the counselor that he knew the other boy was about to hit him first. He was just "getting back" at the other student. The counselor tries to help Jeremy control his aggressive behavior by explaining that the other boy didn't intend to hurt him. Given what you have learned about social development, which of the following is your best recommendation for the counselor.
Juan, age 15, is Latino, Given his ethnicity and based on the available research, what would you expect his attitudes to be regarding academic achievement?
The maturing of the corpus callosum by middle childhood is especially important for
Metacognition is reflected in
Most theories of racial, ethnic or sexual identity include which of the following ideas?

Mr. Sanderson is a 1t grade teacher. He believes in fostering children's tolerance for others, encouraging fairness, and promoting cooperative behavior. One of his classroom jobs involves leading the lunch line to the school cafeteria, converted role among the students. Vanessa has been line leader of the week. It is now the last day of the week and Mr. Sanderson asks Vanessa to allow Jeremy, a brand new student, a chance to lead the line. Mr. Sanderson is upset with Vanessa when she refuses because he feels she is not being kind. What is the best explanation for Vanessa's behavior.
Mrs. Brown has tried to explain to her 3-year-old daughter, Maya, that Maya must stay at the babysitter's house while her mother goes to work. Maya cries each day during leave-taking. Mrs. Brown is embarrassed by this, especially because the babysitter seems to disapprove. The babysitter thinks that Maya should be more considerate toward her mother. Which is the most developmentally appropriate course of action?
Ms. Jackson, a middle school counselor, is concerned about the special problems girls face at adolescence. Consider the research evidence for gender difference in self-esteem at this period of development. Which of the following interventions would be most productive?
One gender-related characteristic of peer evaluations is that
On the basis of research on parenting, what advice should counselors give parents about how much to be involved in their adolescent school life?
Our knowledge of an event in our own lives, such as a family vacation, is a type of
The parents of Abe age 14 are concerned that he is watching violent movies and playing violent video games with his friends. You can advise them that
People are generally motivated to evaluate themselves favorably in relation to others. This tendency is called a
Peter who is an aggressive 11-year-old, is referred to the counselor because of a recent episode of fighting on the bus. When asked to explain what happened, Peter said that he has to sit next to a girl who was laughing with her friend across the aisle about the "stupid kids in school". Enraged by this, Peter pushed her head into window. What is the most likely explanation for Peter's aggressive reaction?
Piaget's description of the differences between preoperational thought (characteristic of preschool aged children) and concrete operational thought (characteristic of elementary school aged children), includes which of the following?
Pubertal processes begin when certain changes occur in the endocrine system. Which of the following explains the beginning of this process?

Rasheed is a 19-year-old college student whose family is making financial sacrifices to pay for his education. So far, his grade point average is not high enough to allow him to entrance into the pre-med program, the course of study he intends to pursue. He also works part-time as a youth counselor, a job he really likes. He is considering changing his major to education. According to Marcia's categories of identity status, which category would you assign to Rasheed with regard to his vocational identity?
Research indicates that children's feelings of autonomy from peers are likely to be at their lowest point for which of the following age groups?
Roberto at 15, is finding that he loves to take chances. He enjoys the sensation of being on the edge of danger, whether he is trying a new drug, or riding in a car at top speed with his friends. He frequently looks to his friends before he tries something new, reasoning that if his friends aren't worried about the consequences, then he need not worry either. His reasoning reflects
Roberto at 15, is finding that he loves to take chances. He enjoys the sensation of being on the edge of danger, whether he is trying a new drug, or riding in a car at top speed with his friends, Roberto was well-behaved, outgoing, and happy as a younger child. If you were his counselor, what would tell his parents about his current experimentation with deviant behavior?
Stanely is 7 years old. His parents are quite concerned about his school progress. Although he has begun to learn to read, he reverses some letters when he writes. Based on research, Stanely's school counselor should tell his parents that
Studies of American schools indicate that as children move out of elementary school into middle and junior high schools, instructional practices are characterized more by ___ than were in the earlier grades.
Studies of peer groups indicate that children's conformity to peers can best be described as resulting from
Studies show that formal operational thinking is
Tessa, a counselor who works with teenagers, meets with Olivia, who attempted suicide after her boyfriend broke up with her. Olivia says she feels that there is no choice but for her to end her life. Ronnie believes that she is destined to die young. This will make her boyfriend mourn for her forever. How would Elkind describe Olivia's view of the world?
Tiffany is 3 years old. She knows that she is a girl, and expects to be a girl tomorrow, but she does not understand that her gender is permanent. She believes that cutting her hair short could change her gender. Tiffany has ___ but not ___
Tim is doing poorly in math. Although he knows he's not a very good math student, it does not concern him greatly. He spends most of his time after school playing hockey, a sport at which he excels. Tim's 5th grade math teacher tries to motivate him to stay after school for tutoring, but Tim doesn't want to miss hockey practice. Furthermore, he reasons, two of his teammates have even lower marks in math than he does.. Which of the following statements about Tim's self-CONCEPT is most accurate?

Tim is doing poorly in math. Although he knows he's not a very good math student, it does not concern him greatly. He spends most of his time after school playing hockey, a sport at which he excels. Tim's 5th grade math teacher tries to motivate him to stay after school for tutoring, but Tim doesn't want to miss hockey practice. Furthermore, he reasons, two of his teammates have even lower marks in math than he does.. Which of the following statements about Tim's self-ESTEEM is most accurate?
The unique state of instability and anxiety in adolescence, brought on body changes, emerging sexual needs, hormonal shifts, cognitive changes, and changing maturity demands, is referred to as
Wayne is taking a digit san test. When he hears this series of digits 3 9 4 2 6 1 2, he realizes the digits match the ages of people in his family; his mother is 39 , his father is 42, his little sister is 6, and he is 12. He decides to remember the series of four ages rather than try to recall each digit separately. Wayne is using a strategy called
What does Savin-Williams(2005) argue about the nature of sexual orientation?
What is the two-pronged approach to helping adolescents with their behavioral, social, or academic problems?
What kind of peer intervention is least likely to be helpful to troubled teens/
What percentage of adolescents typically are part of a popular crowd in American high schools?
When data are analyzed together from a large number of different studies on the same question, like “are there sex differences in nurturing tendencies,” the report is called a 
When Marla age 14 decides that she is a good writer because she gets better grades than her friend Jenna on stories she writes for English, she is demonstrating the use of ______ as part of identity formation.
When peers and parents both support academics, adolescents tend to be successful students. When peers and parents are at odds on the importance or value of academics, which of the following is most often true according to research?
Which of the following aspects of friendship development does Selman believe is not influenced and informed by a child's perspective taking skills?
Which of the following characteristics are typical of popular crowds in American high schools
Which of the following describes a type of influence that parents can have on whether or not their adolescent becomes a member of a particular crowd?
Which of the following descriptions characterizes the changes in American society attitudes towards adolescent risky behavior from the 1920s to today?
Which of the following elements is most closely associated with the concept of the imaginary audience?
Which of the following is a difference between working memory and long-term memory?
Which of the following is a temperamental characteristic that is associated with prosocial behavior?

Which of the following is a well-documented gender difference in brain structure?
Which of the following is not an illustration of formal operational thought?
Which of the following is the best example of a characteristic form of adolsecent egocentrism?
Which of the following is true of aggressive children?
Which of the following is true with regard to the way coping styles relate to depression?
Which of the following most accurately reflects Erikson's view of identity?
Which of the following parenting styles is most closely associated with positive outcomes in psychosocial development and school achievement for adolescents
Which of the following statements is not true with regard to the onset of menarche?
Which of the following traits best characterizes popular children across a wide variety of cultures?
Which of these is the best summary of developmental trends in the formation of identity?
Which of these statements reflect findings from research on gender differences in identity formation?
With regard to differences between males and females in math skills, which of the following is correct?
Yvonne is a 13=year-old 8th grader who is a new student in an urban middle school. She recently moved into the area with her mother and her three siblings. The family moved to be nearer to Yvonne's grandparents after the breakup of her parents' relationship. Yvonne is tall for her age and is bothered by the looks and sexual comments about her breast from boys in her school. She has made few friends at the new school. What does the example illustrate about the ease of the adolescent transition for early-maturing girls like Yvonne?
Yvonne is a 13=year-old 8th grader who is a new student in an urban middle school. She recently moved into the area with her mother and her three siblings. The family moved to be nearer to Yvonne's grandparents after the breakup of her parents' relationship. Yvonne is tall for her age and is bothered by the looks and sexual comments about her breast from boys in her school. She has made few friends at the new school. which of the following is NOT true with regard to Yvonne's level of moodiness.


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